This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
What would you do if you were presented an opportunity to be the owner of an exotic pet. And not just any pet, but a gorgeous female dragon. Yes, a real live dragon. Would you seize the opportunity? Or would you set her free? If you saw her human form, if you thought her the most beautiful being, what would you do? When you learn she's been trained to obey your every wish, what would you think? The choice is yours. Keep her, free her, protect her, save her, love her, torture her, maybe even kill her. Whichever you choose, is entirely up to you. So do as you wish, but be aware. She is not as sweet and innocent as she may seem.
Heyo! This is an rp for Alexis. I've been wanting to do something with her for a while, so here goes. I would prefer male characters, and while I don't have a specific plot, I do have a general idea of how it will go. I really hope someone is interested in this. If you are, please pm me or respond here.
Not looking for anything sexual, just a possible romance.
Heyo! This is an rp for Alexis. I've been wanting to do something with her for a while, so here goes. I would prefer male characters, and while I don't have a specific plot, I do have a general idea of how it will go. I really hope someone is interested in this. If you are, please pm me or respond here.
Not looking for anything sexual, just a possible romance.
I'm interesting, this sounds pretty fun.
Sweet. Got a character in mind?
Guardian_Girl wrote:
Sweet. Got a character in mind?
Will this guy do?
I think he'll do wonderfully.

Sure thing.
I'm still open to rping with others~
Still open for more.
Hello there. I am interested in this, adventure you have conjured up. I feel that its time for me to start my roleplaying adventure, being that I have had this character for awhile, but have never actually roleplay before.. Eheh..
I would like to RP with you
I would love to rp with the both of you. How about you both send me a pm?
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » An exotic pet (closed)
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