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Forums » Looking for RP » The Scary Camp. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Camp Yracs. Everyone says it's haunted, that people were killed - murdered. That the spirits are not at rest. They are lurking, waiting. Watching the campers arrive and anticipating the haunting that they will be giving. The poor, naive campers have no cIue. They just came for a good scare, thinking the stories and myths about this place are fictional, or a fantasy. Oh, but little do they know. Little do they know that this place encapsulates you, and the demons resting here won't let you leave.

You may be a ghost/spirit if you desire, but please notify me first. Only three ghosts are needed, first come, first serve, otherwise, you are a camper. Campers are allowed to have powers, but you cannot be invincible or stronger than the ghost. That being said, the ghosts can be killed. Just don't go all ghost busters up in here, and don't escalate the story too much by killing a ghost. If you are a ghost and you have been killed by a human, you have unlocked the wrong way of death and you are a mad spirit. You are now an insane demon in a human form and you may scavage the earth and attempt to harm the other campers. If you are a ghost and you were willingly killed, you have unlocked the ability to be a human due to being put to rest the right way. If you have any more questions, please ask away!
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 50%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.

Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth)

I'm pretty interested, mind if I join?

Can I join
_iNk3d Topic Starter

wolfe wrote:
Can I join

Yup! Welcome!
_iNk3d Topic Starter

Roy Severias wrote:
I'm pretty interested, mind if I join?

Of course, welcome!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Scary Camp. (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus