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Forums » Looking for RP » Living Driftwood; fantasy RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Joel McKenna (played by koroni)

Whatever you do, do not try to swim. The waves want you back.
You were a passenger on the beautiful passenger's ship, Eye of Maria. There was nothing between you and your destination, Azure Port, except for wide-open waters and blue skies.
But the ship is gone.
Maybe a seasoned traveller would notice when it went off-course. But there would be hardly any time to worry about that. Drawn by mysterious tides, the ship would begin listing. Without even tipping back the other way, the whole thing would be submerged. There would be no rescue. It felt as if the water was pulling on every piece of you.
And the ocean swallowed you.
... You are a lucky survivor. Or, perhaps, unlucky. The sun warms your face, but the rocks you lie on are hard and damp and mossy. The island you find yourself on takes less than a quarter hour to walk the perimeter.
And the waves are acting strangely. It's like they're pushing their way towards you.
There is no land in sight. The vegetation in this place will not support you. Who's to say whether another ship will so much as pass by? Looking out over the ocean, things seem hopeless. But turn your eyes back to the island. It is not what it seems. There will be a way out. It is not safe, but it is your choice - crawl the passage or waste away in the grip of the ocean.
It seems you may not have much time to decide. The water will pursue you.

Hiya!! Looking to start a group fantasy RP! Very loose-world so most fantasy style characters will fit. No dice, just writing - third person, and you don't have to do more than a paragraph.
The RP would start off with the survivors on the island. They can explore the island and eventually be led into further areas, which'll have some combat and some puzzles and such. I try and keep it fun!
Leave a comment if your interested and send a PM if you have any questions!
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 30%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I would loooooveeee to do this with Nakusha (I'll probably move her age to 18)
Drake of Sundermill (played by Draken901)

I am interested in this a bit. Drake should suffice for the most part. Mind if I join in?
Joel McKenna (played by koroni) Topic Starter

Both characters look great! Good to have you aboard! I'll be waiting for a couple more before we start.
Rishin (played by Alchem_K)

I'm really interested in this! Would it be alright if I play as Rishin for this?
Yeah I'd be interested in doing this. Could I join?
Joel McKenna (played by koroni) Topic Starter

Both of you are welcome!
Although, Rishin might have some problems later on! Without spoiling too much, there'll be some time in a dark and damp environment. I could do my best to give him some time in the sun, but it might not always be possible.

Going to cobble a profile together for Joel and think about starting up soon. We can take a couple more players!
Rishin (played by Alchem_K)

Ah, don't worry about it! Conflict and problems are always interesting, he'll figure out a way to survive somehow, haha.
Joel McKenna (played by koroni) Topic Starter

Hey guys, unless I'm super busy tonight I'll be starting this up later, so keep your eyes peeled!
Cool cool

I would love to join this. Perhaps a modified version of Lupus would work for this!
Joel McKenna (played by koroni) Topic Starter

Yep, sounds good!

Here's the thread for anyone interested -->
I'll be dropping my starter in a couple minutes. When the actual thread gets pretty full, I'll close it down.
Just a heads up, I am going to reply, just having a little trouble getting a starter done.
Ryuji Takasu (played by KansasVenomoth)

You still got room for one more psychotic character? This sounds really interesting.
Joel McKenna (played by koroni) Topic Starter

Yeah, sure! Feel free to drop a starter anytime before we close!
Ol' phil (played by bot)

I'd like to join

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Living Driftwood; fantasy RP (closed)

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