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Forums » Looking for RP » High School is Hell (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ivanna Reese (played by Crystalflame)

Ivanna is walking to the bus when all of a sudden she trips and falls to the ground. The kids at the stop down the street laugh at her before boarding the bus. She stands up just as the bus drives by. "Great. Another day I miss first period!" she says as she starts walking to school.

When she gets there first period just ended and she is handed a pink slip when she enters the office to sign in. "Again?" the secretary asks as she signs Ivanna in. Ivanna nods and walks down the hall to her locker. Someone grabs her from behind and slams her against the wall. Its her ex boyfriend. "Looky here. The sluts late for school again!" he laughs. She whimpers and turns away. She hates the smell of alcohol but she cant tell him. Soon enough she is thrown on the ground. She waits till they walk away before standing up and grabbing her books, walking to second period. This is gonna be a long day. she thought as the tardy bell rang.

((pm me if interested))

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

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