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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A Dragon's Heart (1x1)

Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007)

Lidia stumbled out of the forest into a thick, bushy plain. For a moment she cowered against a tree, glancing up at the skies or back over her shoulder to see if she was being pursued. But what she was running from wasn't a person or a predator. She was escaping from the dragons who had captured her and she was terrified she might not make it.

Her shirt was torn and the sleeves covered in dried blood where she'd been scratched or nipped. Her arms were dirty and sore and her leggings were practically shredded. But she needed to escape. She stumbled on a few more yards before stumbling and planting face first into the dirt with a groan. She didn't move for a while. The only other thing she carried was a whip made of vines braided together, but this hung coiled at her side, useless.
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

Hopping about, a tiny, scaled creature sniffed about with his nose to the ground, pushing his way through the shrubs, crawling over rocks and digging small holes. He chittered to himself as a grasshopper caught his eye, and he stalked it intently, pouncing, trying to catch it in his tiny paws. He yapped in frustration, the fur on his back and tail bristling.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

It was the chittering of something small and scaled that brought Lidia partly awake, mostly from fear. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, looking around warily. She didn't see anything. It wasn't a dragon--not a big one at least. It could be anything.

She relaxed a little. It was only the big dragons she was scared of. Even so, she reached for the coiled whip at her side. It had grown only all too familiar the past couple of days, and she had gotten quite good at cracking it to scare other animals away. But she wasn't contemplating it just yet; she still had a ways to go before getting home.
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

Squeaking, he jumped out from the bushes, staring cross-eyed to his nose as the grasshopper perched on his snout and he began sneezing furously, his prey escaping as he buried his nose into his paws.

Looking back up, his tiny ears lowered upon noticing a much larger figure in front of him, tail curling defensively.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Lidia couldn't help but flinch when the tiny lizard leaped out in front of her. But then when it sneezed, she couldn't help but laugh. It was cute when it sneezed.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" She carefully, slowly spread her hands to show they were empty. The whip was coiled still in the grass beside her
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

Wide-eyed, he stared up at her, chirping quietly as he remained low to the ground, tail flicking and swaying. There was something about her he recognized..
Of course, this wasn't his first time being around a human, but it had been a long while since the man that cared for him vanished, leaving him to fend for himself.

Slowly, he calmed down a little, nose twitching.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

She didn't make any sudden movements, knowing from terrible experience what that could bring about. She had a few scorch marks as well from encountering dragon fire.

She slowly reached for a pocket and then paused when she found it empty. "Oh, right, I'm sorry little guy, I don't have anything for you..." She didn't have anything for herself either, and if she did, she would have given it to him.

"You have a name?"
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

Curious, he inched closer to her, eyes bright again. Small jingling sounds could be heard as he moved, a little bell attached to the tiny harness he wore, as well as a little strip of paper, which was bent and stained, something written on it..
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

She leaned forward a little, unsure of the ringing sound. Was he...was he wearing a harness? Yes, that's what it looked like.

"Aww, c'mere little guy. What've you got there?" She held her hand out towards him, letting him sniff her fingers. If her hand trembled a little, it was only because she wasn't entirely sure he wouldn't take a bite out of her.
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

Feeling more at ease, he crawled over, tail wagging slowly as he nibbled on her fingers lightly. He sat closer to her, the tag easier to see, now that he was just in front of her.

Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

A smile crossed her face, her eyes lighting up. "Aww, you're cute." She gently moved her fingers to get a better view of the tag, and gave him a little bit of a scratch at the base of his neck. "You got a name here?"
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

He purred loudly and tipped his head a little, revealing three letters that were written on the tag, the ink faded slightly.

Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

"Wik," she read it out and then looked at him with a grin. "Must be your name. You like the scratch?" She carefully added a little more pressure to her scratching, trying to get to the hard-to-reach places where Wik wouldn't be able to scratch.
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

His ears perked up slightly upon hearing his name, and he stretched, back arching to meet her fingers, eyelids drooping lazily in content.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

She rubbed him for a minute, relaxing a little. "You almost make being lost out here worthwhile. But I can't stay out here like this. I need to get some sort of shelter. And food."

The grasshopper that was being hunted was starting to look good, and she shook her head. "I don't suppose you know where water is, do you Wik?"
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

He yapped in response, pawing at her leg before bouncing around in several circles and hopping off a little, looking back to see if she was following him.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

She winced a little as he pawed at her injured leg and then looked in the direction he was bounding. She stiffly, slowly, got to her feet. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

She grimaced as she stood, and then brushed herself off. Water would be nice about now. "Okay, Wik, I'm coming." She started after the tiny dragon.
Wik (played by Ravdaer)

He hopped about, chasing a few insects that popped up here and there, also stopping once in a while to look over his shoulder to her, to make sure she was following.

Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

In spite of her wearied and pained state, she smiled and giggled a little at Wik's antics. He was cute, frolicking after bugs and whatnot. It took her mind off of herself and she was grateful for his presence.

"Thanks, Wik," she murmured, more to herself than to the dragon. "You've just redeemed your brethren for this."

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