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Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(eh cliche as it may be its simple and easy to follow through on so I'm not too bothered by it :P)

Asher and his classmates were stuck with basic theory for the whole lesson, for the most part however he had his beanie pulled over his eyes and head against the desk.
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat tried to focus on the lesson but ended up falling asleep in the middle of taking notes
Frogs have many diff-
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The Lees (played by KhaeosMage)

(Hello! Waiting to see if Caiside and Acelyn wanna do something first~)
Acelynn (played anonymously)

//Im alive lmao,, I'm def gonna reply today but I've just got so much work ;-;-;
The Lees (played by KhaeosMage)

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Acelynn (played anonymously)

//right lads it's past midnight over here so i'm super tired,, blame joly for this because he's forcing me to reply,,

In an attempt to ignore everyone else around her, Ace had immersed herself in the screen blinking back at her- so when the sound of the chair next to her scraping across the polished floor eventually registered in her mind, the small girl almost jumped out of her own seat. This was weird. No one ever really sat next to her, ever; usually, people just picked up on the fact that she wasn't exactly the most sociable of people, and that she much preferred to just be left alone with her trusty laptop--

Cass. It was Cass who had decided to sit next to her, and thank god for that. Anyone else and she probably would've launched herself into a full-on panic attack. See, she'd decided that this boy would be the exception to her 'please go away' rule- Ace felt more at ease whenever he was around, and she had no idea why. Maybe his positivity was rubbing off on her a little, and, if anything, she needed that. Ace often found herself surrounded in a completely opposite atmosphere, especially with her anxiety.

"I feel like death itself," Ace exhaled a soft sigh, her attention being drawn away from her laptop and placed onto the male next to her. She tried to offer Cass a smile, yet it didn't really work out in her favour- somehow, it just made her look even more drained. "I've h-had two hours of sleep.."
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(Wait a second are ace and cass a thing?) BELL RING
kat quickly gathered her things and headed to her next class
The Lees (played by KhaeosMage)

Thank the gods. Iya gathered all her things as she absconded right out of the room, not wasting any time by hesitation.

Torturous, I swear, math is-


She was startled out of her thoughts by the unexpected sound. She opened her phone- and cringed.

Oops. She forgot to tell her stster that she was fine...

romanticRanter: Did you make it to your class?

romanticRanter: Hello?

romanticRanter: Iya.

romanticRanter: Iya.

romanticRanter: IYA!

romanticRanter: ... Ugh.

romanticRanter: ... You forgot.

romanticRanter: I'm going to my class, answer back when you can. I mean it!

romanticRanter: Iya?

khaeosMagician: ~.•*Yo.*•.~

romanticRanter: OH MY GOSH IYA

khaeosMagician: ~.•*Sorry! I'm fine, made it in time, goin to my next class, etc. Gotta go now *•.~

khaeosMagician: ~.•*And dude. You really need a typing style, it's so boring to look at. At least mine is totes rad.*.•~

romanticRanter: Bye, brat.

khaeosMagician: ~.•* ;) *•.~

She smirked, pocketed her phone, and went inside her Art class. This should lighten up her whole day.
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(How did you do that)
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

(I'm asking the same thing.)
The Lees (played by KhaeosMage)

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(it no work
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(I'm testing colors)
(i'm sorryyyyy for forcing yoooouuu luna!!! you love me anyway though <3)

Cass smiled at Ace sympathetically; he, like most students, knew all too well the effects of sleep deprivation. He noted with a suppressed grimace the exhaustion clear behind her eyes- although he could hardly blame her; he couldn't imagine having to come in and do schoolwork on only two hours of sleep. The coffee trip would definitely be in order, then- and here was hoping to God that she drank caffeine.
His roommate refused sometimes, out of some masochistic tendency- although, other times he would drive himself to absolute extremes on a diet of only caffeine and cigarettes. He'd got better since meeting his girlfriend, though, at least. She seemed to curb his most self-destructive behaviours, and Cass could never be grateful enough to her.

Sitting beside Ace, suddenly all his residual tension melted away as though the whole morning debacle had never happened at all. There was something about her that just made him happy, like a sunny day or a really good song- the sort of happiness that was subtle but strong, that made him want to hug her constantly and spend long, lazy days together and tell absolutely awful jokes that were funny only because they were so bad. Filled with such joy, Cass was unable to sit still. He fidgeted in his seat, tapping his feet on the floor.

The bell rang and he sighed, grabbing his stuff. It seemed only a moment ago that he'd sat down, and he was rather loathe to leave Ace's company so quickly! Time flies around good friends, he supposed. "Where are you headed? I have a free now, I think, I was going to go do a coffee run, if you want to come! I need some tea so much right now- I might actually die if I don't get some, and that would be an absolute tragedy! It'd be tearrible."
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

Oliver gently lifted his hands from the ivory keys of the piano, a soft exhale escaped his lips. Relaxation taking over his body, his eyes slowly moving up to look out the high window in the room, sunlight pouring in and creating almost a photographic romantic movie esque picture perfection. Alas, the moment was ruined with the ring of a bell. Seeing as he had anatomy next, he could simply not pass the class up, besides it was one of his favorite classes!

Before he could officially leave the room, his stuff already gathered his phone began to go off, instincitly he checked to see who it was.

Oh yeah, it's his best friend.

crypticInsight: ....Oliver, do tell me you're still coming over later tonight as per agreed with upon your last stay here.....

theoreticalCyberneticist: *Oh you ABSOLUTELY know it madameoiselle, I could not DREAM of something more exciting then deal with your hour long rants on the WONDEROUSLY cryptic crackpot theories of a madwoman with WAAAAAAAAY to much time on their hands, nope. Nothing better to do.*

crypticInsight: ....I see, your room mate is giving you trouble again? How. Unfornate to hear.....

theoreticalCyberneticist: *WHAT? There's NOTHING wrong with my roommate you inane shit-for-brains excuse of a humanoid shut in being!*

crypticInsight: .....Colorful as always darling, colorful as always, we'll talk more when you get here...

crypticInsight has ceased pestering theoreticalCyberneticist

He stared at his phone for a moment before violently shoving the deceive back into his pocket, damn that psycho bitch with all her weird mind tricks. He then rushed to his next class, as to not be late.
During class Asher felt an uncomfortable hunger crawling up on him listening to his stomach rumbling for most of the session. Once the bell rang he quickly jumped up at the sound of it leaving the class room before anyone else, along the way down the hall he thought about cafeteria food and cringed deciding to go for a walk out of school to one of the nearby corner stores.

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