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Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(What a corner store?)
Kat walked around the school trying to have a good place to relax. She went outside and threw her stuff down and climbed the tree left of the school. Kat closed her eyes and thought of the note.
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

( a store located at the corner of the street common in all urban/ghetto areas across the U.S these stores sell all needs, including toiletries, food, drinks, alcoholic or not, and etc.)
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(Thank you)
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

(Did this RP die?)
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Im trying to keep it alive maybe we need more people
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

(Well it is coming to the end of the school year so....)
Acelynn (played anonymously)

//Yeahh, it's exam week for me so I'm trying to balance revising and writing a reply for this rp ;-;
(Having the same issues as Luna, my exams and mocks are in a couple weeks but should be around more after that!)
The Lees (played by KhaeosMage)

Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

Acelynn (played anonymously)

At the mention of a potential coffee run, Ace sat up a little more in her chair, quickly becoming excited at the prospect of being able to dump even more caffeine into her already-dying system. She decided that she was only going to allow herself one cup- that would be acceptable, right? Would her roommates kill her? After all, she was on a caffeine ban, and the people she lived with didn't exactly have the cleanest of criminal records, so nothing was off the table when it came to stuff like this. Caffeine was serious business, back at her apartment.

Oh well. They wouldn't find out if nobody told them, and she highly doubted that Cass had any connections to her roommates. He was just a normal high-school student, as far as she knew, and, as far as he knew, she was just the same. He didn't need to know about what she got up to in her spare time.

"Coffee sounds g-great!" She allowed herself a small giggle at his pun, her whole face lighting up for a few seconds in genuine happiness. If anyone could cure her tiredness, Cass would be the one to do it. His puns were just what she needed- they were something to smile at, even when both her mind and body were in an absolute state. Ace shoved her laptop under her arm and stood up from the table, her pale features quickly becoming warm as she turned to face the male beside her once again. She was blushing- the redhead really wasn't used to socialising for more than five minutes. This was weird. "I'd, uh, love to come with you."
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(i dont have finals and puns are life)
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(Can I join?)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

(I personally don't see why not, but that's up to Kat.)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(Hey can I join)
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Yas no magic though)

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