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Forums » General Roleplay » Cristal Academy

Acelynn (played anonymously)

//hello friends, I am Joly's friend <3


I think I'm going to throw up.

Ace had been sat in the classroom for around thirty minutes prior to lesson starting, having positioned herself strategically near the window so that she could distract herself if she felt like she was about to launch into an all-out panic attack. It had never exactly been an option for her to arrive late to a lesson- that meant that everyone would already be in class, and they would almost definitely stare at her when she walked through the door. From a young age, Ace always found it difficult to fit herself into social situations that everyone else would find perfectly normal. She absolutely hated having the spotlight directed onto her, and so she much preferred to just fade into the background with her laptop.

Another thing she also disliked was change. So, when she'd been kicked out of her old school and all of a sudden launched into this new one, it wasn't exactly surprising that the redhead automatically became uncomfortable. All she had with her was a phone, to which she often used to contact her twin brother, Aristotle, and her trusty laptop. That was all she really needed to keep calm, but what if things went wrong? What if something happened here, that she found herself seriously unprepared for?


It'll all be okay. Just focus on your lessons and soon you'll be home, yeah? Try not to destroy the entire school system this time and I'll come and see you in a few weeks.

The message from her brother managed to give Ace a small confidence boost- she could do this. Yeah. This day would only last for another six hours, and what could possibly go wrong in that time? If she kept her head down, then no one would try and approach her and ask questions. That would be nice.

As the other students began to flow into the room at a steady pace, Ace slipped her phone into the front pocket of her dungarees and bought her laptop onto the table, intent on focusing on the small screen rather than anything else. After six hours, she could go home and completely forget about this day.
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat contiued to have her head down to prevent anyone from talking to her. The teacher called role call.
(Teacher: )
Acelynn, Asher, Caiside, Alecks, and Kat
(Kat: )
Kat raised her hand when her name was called.
Once his name was called he looked up and stopped annoying the girl in front raising his hand.

Acelynn (played anonymously)

Ace almost jumped out of her skin when her name was called, momentarily forgetting that the register existed. Clearly, this day was already off to a great start. She hadn't even made it five minutes into the lesson and she could already feel that oh-so-familiar feeling of warmth spreading across her lower back, signalling that she was becoming anxious. Hah. She was getting worried over something so insignificant- why couldn't she just be normal?

"Here." She tried her best to sound confident, although her voice betrayed her half way through as it cracked.
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

Alecks was already in the class, deepily interested in his book that he was reading. Interview With a Vampire, a gothic romantic classic. He heard his name being called and raised a hand. Speaking with his always bored tone.


Then retuned to his quiet reading, occasionally looking up with his strange pink eyes before back down again. Some student Nextel to him mumbled something, only the name Alecks had caught his attention, of course people talked about him. How often do you meet an Albino Straight A Student, who always wore a medical mask and gloves? Not very often, that's for sure.
Cass waved a hand cheerily. "Here!"
He looked around as Acelynn responded- that was a name he didn't recognise. Finding her in the class, he grinned, as always more than ready to make new friends. He fidgeted in his seat, unable to sit still in his excitement.
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

(I'm going to say this now, this is the most unlikely group of friends you'll ever meet. Got the prep, the overly friendly, the bad boy, the asshole know it all, and the social outcast. We are the Cliche. And I personally love it.)
(holy heck I didnt think of that, feels pretty awesome tbh XD)
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat slipped asher a note
hey whats your name?
Asher had his head resting on his arm and possibly could not look any more bored, he jumped a little when he got the note although it was probably a good thing since he could feel himself dozing off.

He wrote on the note and passed it back while watching the teacher.

Asher, yourself?
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat wrote back while the teacher had his back turned
im kat why do you look so bored?
Asher raised an eyebrow and tried not to grin at the question and wrote back.

You mean to tell me you DONT get bored in class?
Oliver Durand (played by Sp8ders)

Alecks glared at the two passing notes to each other and decided he'll write his own. Since Asher was closer he wrote the note in a neat and fancy cursive handwriting and placed it on his desk discreetly from view of the teacher.

Hey, not that I mind much social contact between people, since it's highly nessecary for culturistic values, but can you not build your supposed friendship while we are in class? Since at least some of us is trying to act enticed in the situation while secretly being bored in peace? Thank you.

Alecks Oliver Arrtè.

P.S: Pass it on to the girl who was sending you notes.
Asher rolled his eyes and exhaled passing the note to Kat but not before quickly scribbling down a roughly drawn chibi-like Adolf Hitler next to the signed name.

He then went back to resting his head back on his arm.
Sat right behind Acelynn, Cass could see her computer screen. She hds her emails open, her school email address displayed in the top left hand corner. It didn't take much effort for Cass to shift up on his chair, in the guise of trying to see the board better, and to read it, before lowering himself back into his chair and retrieving his own battered laptop from his bag. They've been through a lot together, he and his laptop, and it was covered in glitter and held together by duct tape, but it still worked. Logging onto his email, it took him a short moment to type out a message to the email address he'd read from Acelynn's screen.

Hey!!! he started. Did you know that a flock of flamingos is called a flamboyance? Also, that a single flamboyance can be as many as a million flamingos- they form some of the biggest flocks in the world! Isn't that cool???
Also, hi, I'm Cass- I'm the guy sat behind you, and I swear I'm not creeping on you!

He sent it off, already beyond excited to know if she'll answer.
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat wrote you have a whats your next class and red the other note
The teacher looked behind him to see the notes but kat quickly hid them in her desk. When he turned back around kat passed the note to asher.
Asher read the note and looked at Aleck's and lifted a finger as if to signal 'cool it, just one more'

He quickly wrote the note and past it back quickly before the teacher turned again.

Art, at least then boredom won't be a problem
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat smiled at the note and put it away she focused on the lesson.
(Teacher: )
Asher what does e=
(E=mc squared)
Asher stared at the teacher for a moment completely brain dead, maths wasnt at any point or ever will be one of his strong points or even something he could be competent at.

I honestly have no idea how people do this shit... he thought to himself before answering.

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(I gave you the answer is e=mc squared)

(Teacher: )
No try again

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