This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hi everyone, I've been feeling like doing some Rps set in Middle-Earth lately. It can be set before, after or at the same time as LotR events. I don't have any solid plots figured out yet if you do, great, if not we can brainstorm together, Rping is all about collaboration with plotting and inside the Rp too.
I'd love to do some shorter term rps too just little stories someone getting sick and the other taking care of them, spending time with family or anything else like that.
I'm happy to play most canons and for people who don't like doubling we don't have to.
I'm more comfortable with MxF then anything else but I guess I am willing to give MxM and FxF a go. Just be warned I've never done them before.
Lenth isn't that big of a deal just no one liners I need something to wrok with. I try and match my partners length.
I love chatting OOC so if you want to talk about something other then RPing feel free to.
I'd love to do some shorter term rps too just little stories someone getting sick and the other taking care of them, spending time with family or anything else like that.
I'm happy to play most canons and for people who don't like doubling we don't have to.
I'm more comfortable with MxF then anything else but I guess I am willing to give MxM and FxF a go. Just be warned I've never done them before.
Lenth isn't that big of a deal just no one liners I need something to wrok with. I try and match my partners length.
I love chatting OOC so if you want to talk about something other then RPing feel free to.
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
I'd love to do this
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking to do a Middle Earth RP (closed)
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