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Forums » Looking for RP » Kid Characters Seeking Adventure! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Last Edited 25th January 2018

Kids on the look out for adventure!

Kids come in all shapes and sizes... especially those who are not your ordinary human children. Sometimes, a child is born with special gifts - abilities that make them excellent adventure companions... or maybe just intriguing subjects to befriend. Whatever you're looking for, perhaps one of these unusual younglings could provide assistance.

Unless the title states otherwise, this thread is OPEN to new replies regardless of post count. This is me personally advertising myself for RP, NOT advertising any specific idea - see below for a list of open threads for specific ideas.

Existing Ideas I'm looking for partners for:

A Bad Influence (Fantasy Slice-of-life, interaction-focused)
Conflict on Ynys Môn (Modern Sci-fi Action/investigation, plot-focused)
Secret Playmate (Modern Fantasy Slice-of-life, interaction-focused)
The Integration Initiative (Modern Sci-fi Slice-of-life, interaction-focused)
Trees Above the Ocean (Modern Other-World Fantasy Adventure, plot & interaction focused)

Existing Ideas not currently seeking partners for:

Adrift in Deep Space (Sci-fi Mystery/survival, plot & interaction-focused)
Dream World Invaders (Steampunk fantasy, Action, plot-focused)
Lunar Independence Movement (Sci-fi Action, plot-focused)
Sidekick Looking for a Mentor (Modern Sci-fi Superhero Action, plot-focused)
Star Trek: Threat on the Frontier (Sci-fi, plot-focused)
The Elder Scrolls: A Lost Conflict (Fantasy Adventure, plot focused)
The Monster in the Playground Corner (Modern Paranormal school [primary/elementary level], interaction-focused)

(If you're interested in any of these ideas, please reply to the respective threads rather than here.)

None of the above links interest you? Then read on!

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For new ideas:

I'm open to a large range of themes, genres and settings. I can come up with something more specific if necessary after characters on both/all sides are decided. I can generally come up with something quite quickly.

I only tend to enjoy RPs that average 2 or more paragraphs per post. Minimum of one paragraph a post unless there is a very good reason for less.

Here's some info on what I'm searching for:

Looking to RP as any of the following Characters:


chico-33994-1513641629.pngThe genderless reptile

A small genderless reptile hybrid with strong instincts and a very timid disposition. Though he appears 7 years old and has the general biology of a 10-year-old, Riik's age is much less straightforward on account of his unusual origins.

With the possibility of dark magic at his disposal, or a natural talent for piloting, Riik has a use in both fantasy and sci-fi scenarios. But it's his superhuman agility that really stands out, albeit at a cost of a severely hampered physical strength.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Post-apocalyptic, Wilderness survival, Adventure


chico-63341-1513072927.pngThe cold-loving monkey boy

This small 12-year-old boy with snow-white hair fights fiercely for his moral views. Though he might seem cold and overly serious on the surface, Kiro is in fact quite caring and protective of those who he sees as his allies.

Whether in his more simian form, his mutant-human anatomy or as a typical real-world human, Kiro's technical skills make him a suitable candidate for any RP from fantasy to sci-fi to real life. Just watch out for his ice magic.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Orphanage, Adoption, Modern


chico-74745-1511290068.pngThe four-armed thief

He may be 9 years old, but Deril (or Daryl in the real world) is remarkably independent. Perhaps it's his self-serving demeanour that has led to his ability to look after himself; but it also makes him unlikely to bend to the will of others - for better or for worse.

As a four-armed rogue, Deril could well fit into any kind of non-real-world scenarios; but can easily be reduced to having two arms for a more realistic RP. He makes for an interesting and upbeat partner; but be warned of his tendency to steal any object that catches his eye.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic, Street survival, Modern, Criminal activity


chico-63339-1494435362.pngThe nature-loving wood elf

An 11-year-old boy at one with nature. Despite his love of the great outdoors, he also has an interest in firearms, especially around his own unique self-made pistols, which combined with his ability to tell where he is aiming weapons without having to look, makes him a formidable gunslinger.

Canonically a wood elf with decent agility and dexterity, Kyricx fits well into fantasy. His human variation - Cynw - is almost as agile, albeit within human levels of normality.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Wilderness survival, Sci-fi, Gaslamp


defaulticon.jpgThe cheerful and friendly angel

Brought up as a devout follower of the angel god Michael, Mickel spent his early childhood working at the temple, training to be a warrior priest. Though cheerful, kind and caring, the 11 year old winged boy is fairly closed-minded when it comes to religion and has inherited his race's dislike for Abrahamic faiths and their misconceptions that his people are somehow servants of their God.

Suitable for both real-world and fantasy settings, Mickel can generally look after him self under combat conditions, at least when his wings are not injured; though he is still a kid and has no other physical advantages aside from flight. When magic is present in an RP, he has access to divine powers due to his role as a budding cleric.

Disclaimer: Mickel's views on religion do not in any way reflect my own. As a sceptical agnostic, I respect religion, even if I don't believe in it.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-fantasy, Modern, Supernatural


chico-87269-1499606351.pngThe faceless wanderer

One would like to say that this 8-year-old asexual monster child has a bark worse than their bite; but given their muteness and deadly maw, that is far from the case. Self-centred yet friendly enough, T'joa is part of a race with a limited number of senses, but an exceptional ability in those that they have. They can - to a basic extent - 'see' through touch and 'smell' through taste. Despite this, the young creature is generally quite an ordinary child... so long as they're not hungry and the likelihood of getting food any time soon is low. Strong instincts generally means you better keep this one well fed if you don't want to be their next meal.

T'joa doesn't have any heroic or especially stand-out abilities beyond their racial quirks, but they're friendly and cuddly enough to make a good companion to another of their age, so long as communication is viable.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Modern, School, Orphanage


chico-63345-1514498078.pngThe lazy nerd

Born without a left hand, this lazy nerd of a 13-year-old boy loves to read books. Learning is his passion, and everything else in life is a distraction to him. That being said, he still likes to make new friends; after all, new friends means new experiences, which means more learning.

Though in most genres Tym is fairly powerless and not hugely reliable, fantasy is where he truly shines. A wizard with exceptional potential, learning spells is an especially strong hobby of his.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Gaslamp, Steampunk, Modern, Supernatural


chico-67204-1472770237.pngThe freedom-loving drow

A young dark elf whose cruel outer appearance merely serves as a mask for his strong desire for universal freedom, this 10-year-old boy seeks to put an end to tyranny to make sure nobody else suffers the past he himself had to endure.

Designed specifically as a drow elf warlock for D&D, Vildryn is also suitable for other fantasy settings that involve elves.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Anti-hero, Survival, Steampunk

OCs not currently looking for RP:


chico-88058-1507981874.pngThe determined moogle pilot

A moogle from Ivalice with a penchant for piloting airships - or at least those designed in a manner that allows a moogle to operate them in the first place; Solas is a helpful individual, though scatterbrained at times and easily distracted. Outwardly, he tends to act proud and independent, but underneath, he secretly craves cuddles and being coddled. Though he has a small amount of combat expertise, his experience in battle is extremely limited and thus he shouldn't be relied on.

A few years out from adulthood, this adolescent moogle is designed specifically for the Ivalice setting of Final Fantasy XII and the Final Fantasy Tactics series, though he can fit into any other fantasy or steampunk setting that allows for species from pre-existing settings.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Sci-fantasy, Adventure, Racing, Exploration


chico-78511-1487941186.pngThe curious myconoid

A descendent of a race of sentient mushroom people, Yaki is a difficult individual to fathom. Whilst seemingly friendly and carefree, he is also fickle with his friendships and alien to human morals. If there is one thing he will mobilise to protect, it is the balance and survival of nature and life.

Yaki works in both fantasy and sci-fi settings, either as a mythical creature or as an alien being. He is mute on account of his fungoid anatomy, but that by no means makes him uncommunicative.

Suggested genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Survival, Exploration, Adventure


I don't mind whether it's 1x1 or a group RP Neither do I mind if it's a new idea or something already being set up (so if you've got a group that needs more members and you think my character and genre preferences fit, feel free to ask).

Also, if anyone's looking for members for a D&D campaign or similar pen and paper-style system for which my characters might be suitable, I'm open to that kind of thing too (text only (anxiety issues prevent voice chat); I have a Roll20 account, but I'm also available on Skype, Discord or Steam if the venue is there). (Not currently seeking)

I also have no bias toward pre-established franchises or original settings.


Acceptable pre-made canons (list not exhaustive)

Babylon 5*
Doctor Who
Final Fantasy (VII, VIII, IX & XII)*
Ghost in the Shell*
Star Trek (Original Canon, TNG onwards)
Star Wars (Disney Canon)*
Star Wars (Legends Canon)
Tegami Bachi
The Elder Scrolls*

*Not currently looking for, but might go for in the future


Examples of themes I'm willing to RP

- Action
- Adoption
- Adventure
- Casual
- Fantasy
- Futuristic
- Horror
- Nudism
- Orphanage
- Paranormal
- Post-apocalyptic
- Prison Escape
- School
- Sci-fi
- Space
- Superhero
- Supernatural
- Survival

Themes I'm NOT willing to RP

- Anything sexual
- Fetish
- Romance
- Torture

So yeah, that's more-or-less what I'm after.

Ratchter (played by ConnanBell)

You think one of your kids could play with this kid?
Riik Topic Starter

Ratchter wrote:
You think one of your kids could play with this kid?

I don't see why not. Any particular preference?

When it comes to wildness, Riik would be the most suitable for me to use and could probably match Ratchter in terms of agility and speed, so he'd be able to keep up with him. Kyricx is pretty close to nature, but comes from a pretty civilised society of elves who use biological plant-based technology instead of industrial machine-based - good if you'd rather an RP involving Kyricx trying to tame Ratchter. On the other hand, Deril might get along with Ratchter better (he's a city kid, but the way Deril lives, it might as well be a concrete jungle, so he could handle himself in a more wild environment). I feel Vildryn might also get along with him, but any disagreements could get violent. Tym I don't think would be the best... might be fun at first having the lazy nerd somewhere outside of his comfort zone, but RPs with him often end early because he's a fairly standard boy if not for his wizard magic. If you'd rather more contrast and clashes, Kiro would be by far the best candidate, given his stubbornness. And as for Yaki... I don't see Yaki working with Ratchter at all, as he'd be more likely to ignore Ratchter.
Ratchter (played by ConnanBell)

Kyricx would probably make for the best story. It would be the end of a bloody war that Ratchter was a part of. He slaughtered many people, and enjoyed every second of it. Even so, his jungle territory had been burned to the ground, so he finds Kyricx's home and crashes at his place (completely uninvited, of course). The story will be about them dealing with each other and learning about each other.
Riik Topic Starter

Ratchter wrote:
Kyricx would probably make for the best story. It would be the end of a bloody war that Ratchter was a part of. He slaughtered many people, and enjoyed every second of it. Even so, his jungle territory had been burned to the ground, so he finds Kyricx's home and crashes at his place (completely uninvited, of course). The story will be about them dealing with each other and learning about each other.

Alright, I'll hit you a note to discuss further details.
Ratchter (played by ConnanBell)

Riik Topic Starter


could probably manage a few more RPs.
Riik Topic Starter

Bump. Another link to a thread added to the list of ideas. On the look out for more partners!
Alright so, ive had an rp idea for a while now and ( though im not sure if one of your characters would fit due to the nature of the rp ) i would love some help developing the world at the very least. This is what i have as of right now.

The ideas i have for the world itself would go something like this. The magical world was in a situation similar to the Harry Potter world, where magic users and creatures have had to hide from the nonmagical world, but eventually they were found and suprisingly were able to be accepted ( albeit with caution ) though this acceptance only lasted a few years, when world goverments learned of the extreme power magic held they wanted it for themselves, one thing leading to another and a war that lasted only three hours was ended with magically augmented nukes.

An unnamed number of years later and the races of man are now working together or against eachother in a new world where magic is usefull but just as feared as a good old gun. Due to the natured of the bombs they changed much more than just by vaporising cities and irradiating everything, the massive stores of magic in the bombs changed climates, weather patterns, nearby creatures and surviving people and even the land itself, twisting nearly everything into horrid aboninations, cruel jokes compared to what they previously were.

Like i said before ive not got too much on the rp, literally nothing on the races and how they were changed/effected or even if they survived at all. If you are not able to join in on the rp itself i would love some help with fleshing out the world itself.
Riik Topic Starter

Vulpraag wrote:
Alright so, ive had an rp idea for a while now and ( though im not sure if one of your characters would fit due to the nature of the rp ) i would love some help developing the world at the very least. This is what i have as of right now.

The ideas i have for the world itself would go something like this. The magical world was in a situation similar to the Harry Potter world, where magic users and creatures have had to hide from the nonmagical world, but eventually they were found and suprisingly were able to be accepted ( albeit with caution ) though this acceptance only lasted a few years, when world goverments learned of the extreme power magic held they wanted it for themselves, one thing leading to another and a war that lasted only three hours was ended with magically augmented nukes.

An unnamed number of years later and the races of man are now working together or against eachother in a new world where magic is usefull but just as feared as a good old gun. Due to the natured of the bombs they changed much more than just by vaporising cities and irradiating everything, the massive stores of magic in the bombs changed climates, weather patterns, nearby creatures and surviving people and even the land itself, twisting nearly everything into horrid aboninations, cruel jokes compared to what they previously were.

Like i said before ive not got too much on the rp, literally nothing on the races and how they were changed/effected or even if they survived at all. If you are not able to join in on the rp itself i would love some help with fleshing out the world itself.

Well... actually, I think my characters would be fine for that sort of world. Most of them have strong fantasy elements, most of them can use magic when the situation requires it and a number of them have inhuman elements.

Really depends on how you'd theme the RP itself (whether it's action, adventure, survival, etc). I'd probably favour throwing Kiro into a post-war environment, given he has the least childish personality of my characters and his serious demeanour would get him through tougher times. I'd favour using his simian variant.
Well the world is prone to change, as i have said before, though i guess it would be more adventure/survival i guess? avoiding raiders/bad areas and finding food, all while my character works towards his own end goal.
Riik wrote:
Vulpraag wrote:
Alright so, ive had an rp idea for a while now and ( though im not sure if one of your characters would fit due to the nature of the rp ) i would love some help developing the world at the very least. This is what i have as of right now.

The ideas i have for the world itself would go something like this. The magical world was in a situation similar to the Harry Potter world, where magic users and creatures have had to hide from the nonmagical world, but eventually they were found and suprisingly were able to be accepted ( albeit with caution ) though this acceptance only lasted a few years, when world goverments learned of the extreme power magic held they wanted it for themselves, one thing leading to another and a war that lasted only three hours was ended with magically augmented nukes.

An unnamed number of years later and the races of man are now working together or against eachother in a new world where magic is usefull but just as feared as a good old gun. Due to the natured of the bombs they changed much more than just by vaporising cities and irradiating everything, the massive stores of magic in the bombs changed climates, weather patterns, nearby creatures and surviving people and even the land itself, twisting nearly everything into horrid aboninations, cruel jokes compared to what they previously were.

Like i said before ive not got too much on the rp, literally nothing on the races and how they were changed/effected or even if they survived at all. If you are not able to join in on the rp itself i would love some help with fleshing out the world itself.

Well... actually, I think my characters would be fine for that sort of world. Most of them have strong fantasy elements, most of them can use magic when the situation requires it and a number of them have inhuman elements.

Really depends on how you'd theme the RP itself (whether it's action, adventure, survival, etc). I'd probably favour throwing Kiro into a post-war environment, given he has the least childish personality of my characters and his serious demeanour would get him through tougher times. I'd favour using his simian variant.

Well the world is prone to change, as i have said before, though i guess it would be more adventure/survival i guess? avoiding raiders/bad areas and finding food, all while my character works towards his own end goal.
Riik Topic Starter

Vulpraag wrote:
Well the world is prone to change, as i have said before, though i guess it would be more adventure/survival i guess? avoiding raiders/bad areas and finding food, all while my character works towards his own end goal.

Hmm.... well survival probably suits Riik more, given his feralness and comfort in unsheltered living. However, I still think Kiro would be the best choice of my characters if you're going for world building... Riik is generally a fairly stand-alone individual so wouldn't really add much lore to the world at large. Kiro though has skill with electronics, which he would have to have learned from somewhere, which indicates some community somewhere... means a more lore-building background.

If all this is fine, mind replying in a private message instead of another thread post? Just to maintain the flow of this thread.
Riik Topic Starter

Riik Topic Starter

Stuff's slowing down, so imma bump this again.
Nyala Creatr (played by TheCookiesAreGolden)

Okay, so I've been getting into Sci-Fi so I made a muse and I want to roleplay with my baby and I saw this and I was like, "Ooh!"

You can choose whatever muse you want, but if you decline I am perfectly fine.

Riik Topic Starter

Nyala Creatr wrote:
Okay, so I've been getting into Sci-Fi so I made a muse and I want to roleplay with my baby and I saw this and I was like, "Ooh!"

You can choose whatever muse you want, but if you decline I am perfectly fine.


Well if you could give a little bit more of an idea what you're looking for (what kind of plot/story, etc), I can come up with something. It'd help me pick the right character to use, for one thing.
Riik Topic Starter


If you would like, I'm looking for another member to join this rp if you're interested: I would love to hear back from you and if you are unable to rp here or don't like the concept I will understand. Thank you.
Riik Topic Starter

Thekaleidoscope wrote:
If you would like, I'm looking for another member to join this rp if you're interested: I would love to hear back from you and if you are unable to rp here or don't like the concept I will understand. Thank you.

Honestly, the format's not really my cup of tea... And none of my characters in their human guises are suited for strategic warfare. Thanks anyways.

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