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Forums » Looking for RP » Come and See The Miraculous Ocean Child! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Atl (played by Mernaga)

Atl is the only one of his kind the world has ever seen: a living, breathing mermaid.
The most popular aquarium exhibit in the world, people come from all over for a chance to see the unique creature.
Never having known anything outside his four glass walls, the young boy desires for nothing more than to find out what's outside...

Can be either 1x1 or with a small group. Romance is a possibility but not necessarily a focus, can be M/M or M/F.
Any characters welcome if you think they'll fit!
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 50%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Seems interesting. I don't have a character prepared for this but I can make one up on the fly.
Anna Rockfeller (played by Etch)

I'd like to use Anna for this, if you like. She's pretty much an open book right now as far as personality and what not, so she's very adaptable. I could imagine her signing up to work at the aquarium because she's a marine lover, and while she'd be assigned to a less-valuable fish at first for obvious reasons, she may come to visit Atl often. Because he dislikes the handlers, they may start off on the wrong foot, but she'd eventually prove to be a friend to Atl and would support him in the case of a legal discussion about his capture.
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Sounds good to me!
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Should we start it with the three of us, or wait for one more person?
I'm good with either.
Could I join with Jamie and Yume if that's okay? If it isn't, that's okay.
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Sure, the more the merrier!
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Started the RP thread, leaving this page open in case anyone wants to join later on.
Chenelle Isla (played by Guardian_Girl)

I would love to do this as a 1x1 with you. Do you think Chenelle would work? I would use her around the same age as Atl, and her parents would still be alive. I'm thinking maybe they visit the aquarium (whether just because of the fish, or they heard about him) and when they get to him they spend some time watching him, her parents trying to figure out how to get him out, while she just tries to talk to him?
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Sure, I can do a 1x1 with you! Just PM me with the details.
Oh! This seems really interesting! Look through my characters to see if any of them work, if so I'll adjust where nessecary!
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Either Alecks or Alecksander might work well!
Alecks it is! Though, I'm working on changing his name (so Alecksander is NOT confused with Alecks) and the new name is Oliver. Other then that though. That'd be great! Mind it be 1x1 though?
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Sure, just PM me the details!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Come and See The Miraculous Ocean Child! (closed)

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