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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Sections and child boards/sub boards.



I'm not sure if we have a specific suggestion format so my apologies if there is.

I would like to suggest sections and child/sub boards on group forums, as some group RPs (Well, I'm guessing not just ours, haha.) would need it to keep it somewhat tidy. I'll try to explain what I mean below.

As for sections, I mean things like what we have on the main forum here, the OOC section and the IC section, with their boards below it. So rather than showing the type of board being OOC or IC, change it to sections (Or have people add as many sections as they want.)

Child/Sub boards:
What I mean by this is that people would be able to make boards within boards (insert inception meme here.) For example let's say we have a city, within that city we would have certain districts and/or a castle. Within the castle, we would have offices and rooms etc. If we were to add that, I'd have around 20-30 boards with just one city. With child/sub boards, it would be the same but way neater, example below.

Region (Board.)
- City (Child board of Region.)
-District 1 (Child board of City)
-Castle (Child Board of City)
-Throneroom (Child board of Castle)
-Dining hall (Child board of Castle)
-King/queen's private chambers (Child board of Castle)
-Prince/princess' private chambers (Child board of Castle)

Well, you get the point. Screenshots below. The second screenshot shows how the child/sub-boards could show once you enter the (normal or parent) board.



Thank you for reading and if you have any other questions, I'll gladly answer them.

Edit: Forget it
Sofyan Topic Starter

Hey! Thank you for promptly replying to my post, however, I believe we have a misunderstanding about the suggestions that I made. I am currently part of a new group that has been exploring RPR for the past couple of days and we have been working on our forum. While it does give us the option to make a forum and create boards, it does not give us the option to create boards within boards, nor does it give us the option to seperate boards by sections or categories as shown in the screenshots in my original post.
Sanne Moderator

Hi! I don't know how up to date this is as this topic is from a few years ago, but the last time subforums were suggested there were a lot of reasons as to why they (and categories) haven't been added yet. See this topic here:

Some groups are massive and definitely need subforums and better sorting options, but small/new groups generally don't benefit from it and actually tend to not generate enough content to warrant such detailed board layouts. A lot of small groups that do this quickly end up dead because it looks like nobody ever posts a thing (and potential new members leave because there's no point in joining a 'dead group').

However, as that topic is a few years old there may be new data Kim (the site admin) has on this, so maybe this is being considered! I can't say for sure.
Sofyan Topic Starter

Hey, Sanne!
Thank you for the information you provided, we'll have to see what Kim says then, haha. :) I really hope this will be accepted and implemented though, it's the only "problem" we ran into here and apart from that we're extremely satisfied with what RPR has to offer.
Kim Site Admin

I would like to implement forum sections sometime this year. We're ready for it. Not sure about sub-boards at this time.

You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Sections and child boards/sub boards.

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