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Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

"you said so yourself. He tried to get you out. And he said he still loved you. If he didn't want to be with you, I don't think he would have done and said all that."

She says kissing his forehead before scratching his back with her nails.

"Well never know if we don't try, now will we??"
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

He sighed.
"I guess so. Let's find him, then. Hey, doll, do you happen to know where an orphanage is around here?" He asked her, smiling.
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

(How dare you bring a Orphanage into this)
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(He heh. Let the crossovers begin >:D)
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

(Let Jean's twin sister hurt you aka Jean)
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(lol omg xD)

Scarlett shrugs thinking for a minute before getting up and looking out the window. She scans the surrounding area before speaking up.

"There's one really close to waterfall. Are there any waterfall around here??'
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(lol ok)
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z thinks to himself, recalling any time he saw a waterfall.
"Actually, yes. I saw one near the coast, but it's pretty far. We'd have to go tomorrow." He says.
"Speaking of going tomorrow, we need to get some rest." His face instantly turns to a smirk.
"I take it we're sharing the same bed?" He asks the girl.
Brandy (played by Journey)

(Jean it's your bleach time, here comes the sex scene o.o)
The guard resists Jean's efforts, and drags her with Mr. Wood, to his office.
He straps Jean to the metal table, and leaves.

"Its time for some experimenting." He says, grinning.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

"well duh! As my boyfriend I'd be rather insulted if you didn't want to share a bed with me."

She says unable to contain her joy. She stands up and walks around, searching for the bedroom. When she finds it she jumps for joy and runs to it, instantly jumping on top of it and burying herself under the covers.

"So soft and warm....";
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(it's getting kinky guys)

(im just kidding please dont get the bleach)
Jade (played by Journey)

(O shit it's here, the sex)
Jade wakes up, hearing Mr. Wood talking in his office, probably to a patient.

I wonder who's unlucky enough to get him as a psychiatrist. Heh. She thinks.
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean tries wiggling out of the straps. "I will kill you." She yelled loud enough for him to here. "I will kill every last one of you." Her arms started getting weak from all the work she was doing today so she stopped moving.
Brandy (played by Journey)

"Such of shame, you can't kill anybody right now, you are weak, defenceless and worthless." He smirks, flicking her nose.

"Now, let's get straight to "talking"." And Mr. Wood grabs a pill.
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean bites his finger and rips it off. "Not entirely defenseless now am I bitch." She said as she spits out the finger and swallowed the blood.She smiled at him and growled a little.
Brandy (played by Journey)

(Woah, calm down please, I'm changing it to just cutting his hand)

He stares at her, disappointed.

"My, how rude of you to cut my hand." He drops the pill in her mouth.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

The pill falls down Jean's throat and she looks at Wood. "What is that pill?" She asked as she slowly got weaker.
Brandy (played by Journey)

"The same one Dr. Onyx gave Scarlett, I believe. Insanity Maximizer X, It's called."
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

"You're a monster. I will get you for this."

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