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hi guys!
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean woke up in her cell and she looked around. She remembered what Mr. Wood said and she shook her head. She wanted to kill him more than ever now.
Jean looked at the punch marks on her cell wall and she smiled. She was hoping Mr. Wood came alone so she would have a better chance of killing him.
Amatrix woke in the corner holding her water bottle, she took a sip from it and stayed where she was, contemplating an escape
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean paced back and forth in her cell as she was thinking a way to escape. She cut an escape plan on her arm and she smiled. She wiped the blood away and sat down.
Amatrix looked at the pills in her pocket and thought, maybe she could make the guard take them... would that do anything?
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z shrugged.
"A bit of both, I suppose." He said. "Oh, by the way, I have to warn you about my brother. Okay, so some basic info on him. His name is Iyu, and he is NOTHING like me. Like, I'm talking polar opposites. I'm rude, sarcastic, witty, and a tease. Meanwhile, he's quirky, bubbly, enthusiastic, and innocent. Oh, and very gullible. He still believes in Santa." He says, whispering.
"Also, he has a split personality disorder. If you get him too mad, he'll yell and curse. Personally, I like that side of him the most, but it usually doesn't last that long, due to his caring and understanding side."
He kept rambling about his brothers flaws, before stopping himself mid thought.
"He's a good kid, though. I think you'll probably like him." He says, quietly.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

"he sounds wonderful. Though you should warn him I came from the asylum as well, so he shouldn't set me off or itll go downhill from there..."

She says before looking past the clearing. She spots a building and smiles.

"Is that it?"
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z slowly nods, and stops where he stands, debating to himself whether he should walk forward to the building or turn around in his tracks, never going close to that place ever again.
He gives the girl's arm a small squeeze, and walks forward with her. They arrive at the door, and Z hesitantly knocks on it, loud and clear for anyone inside to hear.
He turns his head to look at the girl and puts on a worried expression for his sake, wondering if his brother looks or acts any different from when he last saw him. Hopefully, he was still his same bubbly self.
Amatrix made her plan and went over it in her mind over and over again
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett feels z squeeze his hand, and Scarlett just gets on her tip toes and kisses him lovingly before breaking apart and fixing his hair.

"You want to look good when you see your brother, right??"

She says before hearing the door open. Scarlett smiles down at the child and bends down so she's eye level with him.

"Well hello there. We're looking for iyu. Have you seem him??"
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu suddenly hears a knock on his door, and stands up.
"Excuuuse me." He says to Raven, skipping over to the door.
He swings the door open and is met by a girl about five years older than him, and a boy about the same age as her, who looks vaguely familiar. The girl then speaks, asking him for Iyu.
He smiles, and answers.
"You're looking at him!" He says, grinning.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett smiles and takes its hand, shaking it gently for a handshake.

"My name is Scarlett. I've heard so much about you, and I've brought someone that wants to say hi to you."

She says standing up and walking to your, giving him a small nudge.

"Iyu, you may not recognize him now, but this is your brother, z."
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(it? Lol)

Iyu grins at the girl, shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you too, Miss." He says.
She nudged the boy next to him, and introduces him as Z, or Iyu's brother. The boy looks a bit surprised, but gives him a small smile. Iyu stands and stares at him, questioning if this whole thing is some sick kind of trick, but gets a better look at the boy.
Washed out white hair, edgy clothes, goes by Z..
Iyu's eyes widen, and quickly start to water up. He lunges himself at the boy, grabbing ahold of him, squeezing him tightly. He stays in that position until his eyes begin to sting, and he let's go, wiping his tears with his hand. He then fills the boy's head with questions he can't even keep track of.
"Where were you?! How'd you escape the asylum?! Why did you come here?! Don't you hate me?! Don't you want me dead?!" He asked, his mind racing with questions needing answers.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(lol typo)

Scarlett smiles as the boy hugs his brother, and can't help but feel happy at their reunion. Though she hears footsteps from the bushes nearby, and swears to herself in her mind. She bends back down to look iyu in the eye

"He can answer all your questions I promise. But please try to understand something ok? The people at the asylum weren't nice people. And now that we've escaped, they're looking to being us back. If they do, then theyll probably kill us. Is there anywhere we can hide until they pass?"
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu's questions are suddenly stopped by Scarlett, and he nods quickly to her question.
"Yeah! We have plenty of rooms! I'll find you guys a spot, don't worry!" He says, opening the door, but stops. He looks at the girl.
"I have a question." He says, to Scarlett.

"Are you his girlfriend??" He says, his face now smirking.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett raises an eyebrow at his question, but in response she just smiles and stands up, grabbing z by his shirt collar and pulling him towards her, giving him a giant kiss. She breaks it and looks down at iyu, smirking back at him.

"If I wasn't his girlfriend, would I have been allowed to do that??"
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu let's out a loud gasp, followed by a million of his little giggles.
"Z! You're totally blushing! Look at his face!" He says, grinning.
The girl looks at him in amusement, to which he covers his face with his shirt sleeve, annoyed, yet keeping the red complexion.
Iyu smiles, and motions for the two to follow him inside. He instantly forgets about Raven waiting for him at the table, and seems shocked at her presence.
"Oh! Whoops! Hey, guys, this is Raven. She's one of my bestest friends!" He says, smiling.
"Rave, this is my psychopathic brother, and his girlfriend. I'm going to show them to their room now!" He says, smiling and hurrying up the stars, avoiding any questions the girl had for him.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)


Raven says startled as she follows them up the stairs along with Scarlett and z. Scarlett follows it to their room and nods in appreciation. She takes a seat on the bed, before pulling her legs up and smiling at the children.

"So, z, I believe you owe your brother some answers darling."
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z sighs, looking at the three sitting down, awaiting his story.
He suddenly thinks to himself, and his face turns to a mischievous smirk.
"Oh, but Scarleeeett.. You tell the story so much more better than me.. Would you be a dear and tell them for me??" He asks, teasing the girl.

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