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She sees raven and sits next to her "hey"
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Raven eyes the girl skeptically as she takes a couple of steps away from her and gets closer to iyu.

"We're going back to the cabin so why are you sitting...."
Heather) *she cringes at the hate in ravens voice and gets up* s sorry
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven just blinks at the girl before shaking her head and sighing. She trails to the back of the group and swirls her finger, so a figure made up of flowers and grass about the same size as she was appeared next to her and walked with her
Heather) *she walks behind everyone*
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu finishes his Q&A with Scarlett, and makes his way to Raven, walking happily with her and her nature friend. He waves at the two and marches on with pride in his step. He looks over to Heather and invites her to come wall with them.
Raven (played anonymously)

Scarlett walks up besides z and nudges him with her elbow, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked.

"So what did Raven want?"
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z shrugs at Scarlett's question.
"Well, she wanted to know if we were family, to which I replied with sure. I kinda thought it was a no brainer by now, but apparently she wasn't too sure until she got a definite answer." He said.
"Also, she was gonna tell me something else, but Heather arrived. She didn't finish what she was saying, and I figured it wasn't that important to hold on to." He finished.
"How was your questionnaire with Iyu? I take it you know more about him, likewise with him."
Raven (played anonymously)

"well, if he's going to be my brother, I figured I should get to know him a little bit. It went surprisingly well."

She says before turning around to look at the children.

"Well be at the house in abooooo-oh my god!!"

Scarlett says stopping and holding onto z's sleeve, having discovered the creature Raven had made.

"D-did you make that??"

Raven looks at them surprised before nodding and hiding behind it.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z looks at the creature and smiles.
"Cool, is it not?" He says, looking at a shocked Scarlett.
"How'd you make it?" He asked.
"I mean, how are you able to produce life to something made out of earth's elements? If you're able to do something like that, it's gotta be tiring, no?" He asked the girl, getting scientific in it.
Raven (played anonymously)

"Y-yes...i-its is...i-im a witch, I don't know how I do it, it just sorta....happens."

She says nervously. Scarlett takes note of it and walks up to Raven, hugging her tightly and speaking in a comfortable voice.

"It's ok. I find it cool. That was just the LAST thing I was expecting!"
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu giggles at their reactions, until hearing Z's thought out question he asked Raven.
"Whooahh!! Z's a nerd!!!" He said, laughing.
Z glared at the boy, and he ran, hiding behind Scarlett.
"Mooom!! Dad's scaring meee!!!" He whined.
Raven (played anonymously)


Scarlett says confused before noticing z glaring at iyu. She then chuckles and takes its hand as well as Ravens before looking at z.

"I think I'm the favorite"

She says chuckling and kissing z.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z sighs, agrivated by all of this. He continues to walk ahead of everyone, until stopping abruptly. "Uh, guys. We made it, but we're not alone." He says.
"Guards." He whispers to Scarlett, before taking a step back to run.
"Different direction. I know another place." He says.
Raven (played anonymously)

Scarlett continued walking until she runs into the back of z, and she stumbles back annoyed.

"Ow! Hey! Why'd you-"

She says before stopping in her tracks and noticing the guards. Her eyes widen as she sees them.

"How'd they find us?! They're gonna know we were there! The asylums uniforms are there!!"

She says before noticing he's about to run.

"Don't run. they haven't spotted us yet. We can sneak away."

She says before kneeling down in front of the children smiling and speaking in a low whisper.

"Guys, the guards are here to take me and z back. We're going to sneak away, so here's what I need you both to do: as quietly as you can, turn around and start walking. Once you don't see how anymore, climb up a tree and wait for us. Ok?"

She says giving them both a kiss on the head before turning them around and giving them a small nudge in the right direction.

Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu nods at Scarlett's request. Having done this a lot with Z, he kinda knows the drill by now.
He grabs Raven's hand, and motions for Heather to follow them. The three of them make their way far enough until discovering a tree that was high up enough and filled with leaves that they wouldn't be spotted for sure. Iyu motions for the girls to start climbing.
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven follows it silently to a tree and nods at him before climbing up it, before helping iyu climb up. Once Scarlett was sure they were safe, she grabs z's hand and owly starts backing away towards the kids.

Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z nods at her, making sure the two of them don't make a sound.
They continue like that until they are far enough to run, to which they both make a sprint for it.
"Now, where could they be?" Z asks.
Raven (played anonymously)

Scarlett looks around, looking at the trees for any sign of the children. After a good while of searching, she notices them in one of the trees and smiles.

"Up there."

She says as she starts her accent upwards.

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