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Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

(Never thought anyone would walk their dog for an hour.)
Jean growled at the guards and blood dripped from her knuckles as she fought to escape the straps. "Let me the hell go you worthless god damn idiots." she yelled as she looked at the guards.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(ok thanks! Gonna make a long post since you'll be gone. see you when you come back!)

Scarlett sits up and rubs her wrists for a moment before sliding off the gernie and straighting out the gown they required all the girl patients to wear.

"The kitchen. Come on, I'll lead."

She says taking his hand and walking out of the office. While walking to the kitchen, scarlett frowns and looks around.

"There aren't many guards this way...This isn't good..I think they all might have found the guards you took out...I think we should hurry."

She says before quickening up her speed. Suddenly the alarms sound and all the guards go on the search. Scarlett starts running to the kitchen, still holding his hand, and when they get there she runs up to a shelf.

"Help me!!"

She says before pushing the shelf out of the way of the wall, revealing a huge door. Scarlett hears footsteps drawing closer, and after a moment she opens the door and shoves z inside.

"If we both go, they'll know we went out this way. One of us has to stay so we can cover our tracks. Go wreak some havoc, and don't forget about us."

She says smiling before slamming the door shut and locking it. She then slides the shelf back in place, just as the guards get there. When they get there, the pin her down and zap her with the tazer and strap her back onto the gernie, only to wheel her back to the office.
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean saw the guards run out of the room and she heard the alarm and she slipped out of the straps and walked out of the room and walked behind a guard and knocked him out and took his baton and taser. "These are mine now sir." She whispered as she walked around the building hiding from the guards carefully.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(Back. :D)

Z was about to refuse leaving without Scarlett, except she had already shut the door, locking it behind her.
Z grunted angrily, hitting the door slightly, and continued on. He made his way outside of the asylum, breaking it for freedom. Once outside, he made a promise to himself to come back for Scarlett, just not yet. He'd have to wait until after the coast was clear. Hopefully she'd still be alive by then. He made a run towards the woods, never looking back. He'd come back for her, later.
After all, they were partners in crime.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(welcome back! lol so you still wanna be the scientist? ^-^)

Scarlett wakes up and looks around, only to realize she's back at the office. She wriggles around to find that she's strapped to the gernie, only the restraints we're tightened and there were even more security guards and security measures around the room and in place. Realizing it'll be futile, she sighs and looks at the doctor who was standing in front of her holding a needle in his hand, just as before.

"If you think you can make me talk, then your sorely mistaken, doooooocccctooooorr!!!"

She says laughing.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(Yup, I'll be Oxyn. ^^)

Dr. Oxyn looks at the girl and smiles.
"I don't need to make you talk, Scarlett. All I need to do is inject you with this chemical x and you'll be putty in my hands." He said, cackling like an evil scientist. Well, he pretty much was.
Before she could say anything, the guards held her down as the scientist got closer to her, the needle now inches away from her skin.
"Now, you'll feel a slight pinch, but don't worry. I'LL BE FINE!!" He said, laughing. He stuck the needle in her neck, and watched as the experiment turned her crazier than she was before.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Before Scarlett could say anything, she felt the prick of the needle in her neck and after a few moments her eyes went wide as she felt her body pulsate. Black spots started forming in her vision and she started hearing voices, and seeing hallucinations. Her body started shaking, and sudden she grew aggressive and violent. So much so that the hallucinations started speaking to her and telling her to attack the guards because they were attacking her. She started screaming violently and started thrashing against the gernie, fighting against all the restraints as she tried to free herself, writhing and squirming. All the while she was focused on attacking the guards, or anything in her path for that matter.

Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Dr. Oxyn smiled at his results.
"Boys, hold her down. I need to put in her medications." He said, grabbing the second and final needle.
The guards hesitantly grabbed the girl, holding her down with trouble. The scientist then walked closer to the girl, holding the needle out in from of her.
"Now, this one goes in your arm, so stay still." He said, squeezing her arm and applying the needle meds.
"There. You can let go now, boys. Take this one back to her room. Oh, and get her a juice box. She's been a good girl." He said, smiling at her while she was being strolled away. He gave her a small wave, followed with a "Come again!" and laughed to himself.
"Oh, look what I have made."
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett thrashed even harder against the guards as they held her down, and let out a cry as he injected the second needle into her arm. It calmed her down enough so the guards could grab her and put her in the stroller, but it wasn't enough to completely overpower the first injection. Once she was taken back to her room, she instantly started looking around, seeing black spots and black shadows coming in and out of her vision. The shadows had even started taking the shape of monsters that terrified Scarlett to the core, making her more aggressive. With nothing to attack or hurt, She ran up to one of the padded walls and started banging her head against it.


She says continuously banging her head against the wall and screaming at the demons that were appearing in her view more and more.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z made his way farther into the woods, before finding himself in front of a cottage. Without hesitation, he opened the door and walked inside.
"Yello? Any old creepy witches in here?.. No? Okay.." He said, walking farther inside the house, getting a better view inside it.
He saw a door that lead to a room, and walked inside it.
Inside, he encountered nothing but his own shadow.
"Guess this is my new crib. Cool, a place to crash." He said, getting comfortable with the place.
'I'll stay here for about a week.' He thought.
'Then, I'll go back for Scarlett. This place isn't too bad, either.'
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Despite being under the influence of the drug, eventually scarletts body grew tired, and once she couldn't take it anymore, she just slid down the wall and sat on the floor. Blood dripped down her forehead as her body slumped onto the floor. Still seeing that shapes, she teared up as she passed out.
Jean Grey (played by DeathTakes)

Jean walked to where Scarlett was screaming and she knocked out a guard with the baton and tasered another one and twirled the baton. "Who else wants some of this." Jean said as she looked at the scientist and the other guards.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(One month has officially past.)

Z wakes up, knowing that today's the day. He's going to go back to that stupid asylum, and he's going to find Scarlett, along with maybe some others, and free her. He grabs his bag of belongings he found in the house when he first got here, (aka darts, guns, knives, etc) and goes outside, ready to leave. The sun is barley up, and he knows this early would be the best time, because most of the guards are either asleep or still brain dead from being up too early.
Z makes his way out of the forest, and finds the asylum. He stands outside of it, ready to tackle anything that comes his way. He opens the door and swiftly makes his way inside, ducking for the shadows, where he will remain hidden.
Now, where was room six?
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Despite it being early morning, the scientist had already finished up their tests on her for now. They had become more frequent, and the drug had become more effective. Especially considering how many doses she had received within that month. They had just finished attaching Scarlett to the stroller as she screamed and thrashed to get at the guards throats, only the restraints holding her back. the guards wheeled her back to her room and quickly locked her up, leaving her be. When she was alone, Scarlett screamed and banged on the walls, oy after awhile did she give up and collapse onto the floor, crying in a corner and rocking back and forth.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z made his way to the key's office, taking out the guard with a silent tranq. He sneaked inside, disabling the cameras with a couple of hits, and looked for room six's key. He skimmed past the other keys, before finding the right one. Z grabbed the key, twirling it on his finger.
"Hello, there." He said, admiring the shiny object.
He made his way down the hallway, sneaking past the guards. Once encountering room six, he opened it with the key, closing the door behind him. He saw her, Scarlett, crawled in a ball rocking herself. He looked at her and smiled, happy to see that she was at least alive.
"Hey, beautiful."
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett glanced up, seeing z standing in the doorway with the key to her room in her hand. As more black spots came into view if her vision, she started laughing as she stood up. She was wobbling a bit as she tried, but as she stood up her head hung low and her hair fell in front of her face, revealing on her neck the several injection points on her neck. She looked up and stared at him with a crazed grin, her eyes practically screaming murder as she ran at him and tackled him to the ground. Once he was on the ground she kept her knees against his arms as best she could to prevent him from moving as she wrapped her hands around his neck and attempted to strangle him. All the while she couldn't help but laugh.

"HIYa hANdsOM!!'
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z was shocked at her sudden urge to kill him, but he easily had the upper arm. He grabbed her wrists with his arms, and flipped her over, to where he was now on top of her.
"Wow. Could you get even more crazy?" He asked her rhetorically.
He inspected her neck, seeing it had many injections in it due to needles.
"Ah, that crazy scientist. Okay, listen honey. I need to get you out of here, and killing me won't do it. Just shut up and stay pretty for me, will you?" He asked, reasoning with the girl.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(omg I'm dying xD he's tryna reason with someone who's lost their shit xD)

Her eyes widened as he was able to flip her over and pin her down by her wrists. Becoming enraged, she struggled underneath his weight, even going so far as to try and claw at his hands so he'd let go of her. She even tried kicking him in an attempt to catch him off guard long enough to get out from underneath his grasp. Eventually she just started laughing as she struggled.

"Hehehehe!!!!! HAHAHAH!!! you call
the crazy one, but look who came back!!! If the guards don't murder you then I will!!!"

She says managing to get a leg underneath of him and kicking him as hard as she can in the stomach.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(lol he's just tryna be polite XD)

Z sighed at this girl. Obviously, reasoning wouldn't work with her, so what would?
Suddenly, Z felt a slight kick to his stomach. It wasn't hard, yet it was still enough to catch him off guard. He held firmly on to the girl, thinking to himself.
"Hey, sweetheart. Whaddya want out of me besides murder? Obviously there's gotta be something else. Cause all you're giving me right now is a load of crap." He said, narrowing his eyes at her.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

(lol she's under the crazy drug and he's tryna be polite xD like I'm laughing so hard right now it's so perfect xD)

She continued writhing around, until she actually made eye contact with him. When she did, the anger and the urge to kill everything she came into contact with went away, at least for this moment. Even if it only lasted long enough for her to communicate what she wanted. Her eyes began to tear up and she stopped trying to fight against him, and she blinked the tears away as she broke eye contact with him and her eyes scanned the room, as if she were....Afraid.

"I-i-i want to get out of here....I-i want the demons to go away....A-and I want them to be quiet...."

She says referring to the monsters in the shadows that the drug was causing her to hallucinate. Her tears slowly rolled down her cheeks before she managed to kick him hard enough for him to let go. She crawled out from underneath him, but rather than attack him this time, she backed away from him.

"No...nononononononononoNONONONONONONONO!!! s-stay away from me, ya'hear?!"

She says clutching her hair tightly.

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