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Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(Time skip.)
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)


The next morning, Scarlett wakes up to the blinding sunlight shining through her eyelids. Her eyes open as she sits up and stretches, rubbing her eyes and looking at z, deciding they needed food. She frowned as she thought about what they could eat.
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z wakes up groggily as he watches Scarlett stretch and yawn. He groans, grabbing her waist and pulling her back down to him.
"Five more minutes." He said, laying on her, nearly going back to sleep.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)


Scarlett yelps as she's grabbed by the waist and pulled back down, z's arms wrapping around her. She chuckles and snuggles into him.

"As much as I'd like to go back to bed, we need to feed the kids. So we gotta find food."
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

"They can starve.." He mumbled, gripping tightly to her so she wouldn't escape from him.
"I need my teddy bear." He said, smiling as he snuggled deeper into the girl.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett opens an eye as he wraps his arms around her tightly enough so she couldn't escape. She wriggles around before giving up and turning her head to look at him.

"As much as I want to be your teddy bear, we need to feed ourselves too..."
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

"I can starve too.." He said stubbornly.
"It's kinda your fault for being this comfortable." He said, smiling.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

"oh is it now??"

She says chuckling before feigning surrender. She looks at him and smiles, before her stomach growls.

"But I have to eat too. If I don't eat I'll starve, and I'll with away until I'm nothing but bones. I don't imagine my remains will be comfortable. So if you want me to stay this way we need to find food."
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z groaned, giving in to the girls reasoning.
"Fiiiiiiineee.." He said, letting go of he girl, before pulling her in close to him once more for a kiss.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett smiles, before being surprised by him pulling her into a kiss. she smiles and kisses him back before breaking it and climbing down the tree, in search for food.

"I hope I can find something the kids will eat."
Zed Valdis (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Z nods.
"Hurry back," he starts.
"I don't wanna be alone for too long." He finishes, winking at the girl.
"Also, take Iyu with you. He loves adventure, and it gives me less problems to deal with. Oh, and have fun waking him up- he gets cranky." He says, smiling at the girl.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett looks at him and sighs, before climbing back out and pushing it out of the tree. If that didn't wake him up, nothing would. She hops down and smiles at him..

"Wakey wakey!!!"
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu was immediately woken up with his head crashing to the ground, and Scarlett's face hovering over him with a smile.
"Yeah.. Hi.." He said, sitting up and rubbing his head.
"Eeehhh it's morning and I'm awake.. What's going on??!" He asked.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

"we're finding food! Let's go!"

She says grabbing his arm and yanking him to his feet before dragging him I to the woods. She let's go after a bit and smiles at him.

"So what animal would you like us to cook up?"
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu stopped.
"Animal?" He asked, repeating her question.
"Wh-What do you mean, animal?" He asked again.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett looks at iyu apologetically. There were no supermarkets nearby that she knew of, and even if there were she had no money. They needed the protein, and she realized this might be bad.

"No cats. Promise. But I don't have any money, and we need to eat. I don't know of any towns near by."
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

His face got paler, and he tried to nod, but his head just stood still in fear.
"Um, Scarlett.." He started, straining his words.
"I'm vegetarian.." He said, looking around in the air as if it held a solution for him.
His eyes darted every direction except for the girl's eyes.
His face held panic, and he didn't know how to respond.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)

Scarlett pauses for a moment, staring at the child before bending g down and hugging him forcibly.

"I'm so sorry!! Maybe we can find some fruits and veggies for you!!!!"

She says kissing his cheek repeatedly.
Iyu (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Iyu nodded, and grabbed her hand, as if she were going to protect him from his vegetarianism.
The two of them continued down the forest, before finding bushes filled with berries and fruits.
"Ooh!" Iyu said, approaching them.
"Are they good to eat?" He asked Scarlett, hoping these fruits weren't the poisonous kind.
Scarlett (played by SinceForgotten)


Scarlett thinks before plucking a berry and popping it into her mouth. She chews it and after a moment she nods.

"Yup! They're all good to eat!!"

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