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Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wars: The Rise of The Je'daii (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai)

Hello Fellow Roleplayers! I am looking for a group of three other Sci-Fi Roleplayers to go on a grand adventure set in the Star wars Universe, set after the force awakens! wheather it will be set in pm or public is to be discussed once the slots are filled. i will select the users who join the rp. that is all.

May the Force be with you,

EDIT: there is one more slot but it reserved for a friend
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.

Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

i'd like to join im a huge Star Wars Fan so when i saw this i thought i'd try to get in
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

Sure, let me go over your character and i'll get to you!
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

Okay, you're in!
Zaek Toff (played by Mittirangi)

Imma put ma hand up :D

just chop out the whole full on jedi training part of this guy and he might fit in a little better

(I should probably work on a backstory for if he goes into an rp around Force Awakens :P)
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

You're in as well! I quite like your character

Is there any room for anyone else? I want to join the roleplay.
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter


Okay, where's the roleplay and such? Also, what should I do as a character?

Also, how many more empty slots are there?
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

Depending on if the other people are still in, one extra slot

Okay, I have my character ready! :)
Also, should the main characters be resistance or First Order or..?
I'll be on most days, since it's Summer.
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

Well, it all depends on what everyone decides

Reto-Zen wrote:
Well, it all depends on what everyone decides
When might most people be on?
We could set a time where the quest people are gonna be on.
((Damn only if I had found this post earlier :( ))
Reto-Zen (played by johnsterkai) Topic Starter

Well, you can join if the other people don't reply.

I don't know
Jasen Elewood (played by TheRealRedHood)

(thx!!! If they don't this is the character. :) )

To all people who are in this roleplay, can I get all the times you are available? We can try to line them up so we can roleplay together.

Also, we found all of our players. Reto Zen, Jason Elewood, and ASH-486.
Jasen Elewood (played by TheRealRedHood)

(Usually anytime 7AM-1a.m)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wars: The Rise of The Je'daii (closed)

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