This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Looking for an RP that can go on for a while? One where magic is a thing of now? Look no further. I am looking to make a Fantasy RP. Here is the premesis! Time and Time again magic has found itself to be dominate. Those with magic are both feared and respected. It was said long ago magic was a blessing bestowed by the gods to those found of great power to fight the Gods wars. This was all a legend and a Rumor of course. Or was it? These days though magic was everywhere. This story starts though in the kingdom of Lorgvan. Lorgvan is a land that's capital is Hyvain. Lorgvan is run by a king and queen who are elves. Legend says they are as old as the wars themselves but they have never talked of the wars . Overseeing the King and Queens lands is the council of 5. The council are of high class. In Hyvain is where the king and the queen reside. That is where the story starts. Hyvain is a city of buildings towering as high as 3 stories of stone and cobble. In the center of the city is the Castle, surroundings a river leading out past the city walls. Past the river is the upper class district where the wealthiest of people live. Some say that, that is where those of magic reside. That district though is also where the merchants and traders rest, selling and buying at the markets. Past the Upper class is the poor district. This is said where those with little money or thieves reside. Some say there is more then meets the eye to the district. For a brief start does it sound interesting? Interested to join? How would you like to RP through forum or though a messenger app? Looking forward to see if people want to. Thank you
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Bronze age
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
So why is our characters there? They're there because they're there?
robinnrose wrote:
So why is our characters there? They're there because they're there?
Well haven't got that far yet. Honestly I'm nervous I won't get people to rp so wanted to see if people would be interested at first

I may join. Though , is there a limit to our magical powers?
robinnrose wrote:
I may join. Though , is there a limit to our magical powers?
No limit

Now we wait =w=
Aye the waiting game always fun

I agree with Robinrose. Why are our characters there? It sounds fun?
That is the one thing I haven't really been thinking on much yet do to just finding people. But I was figuring with it being the capital city where the castle is I was thinking the reason people are there is a festival celebrating a holiday.

Oh a festival. A social type rp. That sounds really interesting...(now that my imaginations are firing off). Mmm okay! I am debating between two which I should toss in.
Well toss them in and we can do a dice roll or a vote?
If you wanted both you could always also do both

Well one is a male adventurer type and the other is a female magic user who is...somewhat dark.
I have a witch and a mage sooo

Maybe both?

Lol how many people we waiting on?
I would like to join as a gypsy with some magical powers if I may.
Maybe see if we can get two more people to make it fun

Maybe =w=
Or we can just go and let people join in mid-rp?
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for People to start a Fantasy RP (closed)
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