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Forums » General Roleplay » High school

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Hey Amber...did I ever tell you that I lav ya...?"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"What? I can't understand you." She goes to open the portal
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec hug her tightly
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She follows them silently
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"What are you doing?"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Awww your so cute! U remind me of my stuff animal Kinster"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"Okay." She shakes her head and starts to open the portal.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec rub his head to her head
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She stops and turns to him "What are you doing now?"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec fall down and fell asleep on the ground
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She shook her head and opened the portal. "You are not getting drunk around me anymore." She made him float into the portal and back to the house.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

It was morning that Allec wakes up with an headache " head hurts"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She set the hangover pills next to him and left for her house.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec turn that he saw the pills and remember yesterday" Oh yeah...I was drunk last night" Allec take the pills and drink it.
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She is still there watching them, staying almost completely invisible
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec remember something that the image picture out a wolf. "Who was that anyway?"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She goes back and sees a shadow. "Are you the wolf that helped me?"
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She makes herself visible again, her fur stained with blood "Well, I was planning I kill you but... 'He' was around..." She glares at Allec
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"Oh. Okay. Thank you though." She got up and starts to close the portal.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

(im bout to change classes gtg)

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