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Forums » General Roleplay » High school

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" I understand what you mean" Allec throws the can of beer at the trash can. " So tell u ever killed someone before?"
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"Many times
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"personal ?"
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"I can't say I'm proud but I can say that I got what I wanted at the time"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She smiles and then turns back to the tree
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec just sigh " So do vampires has some moral or code or something?"
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

(Ignore M didn't mean to type it)
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"I suppose we do"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec is ready to listen
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She stays there and starts humming Once Upon A December.
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"Vampires in this world I suppose have a moral code but only when given one the thing is, is that kat and I don't abide by our own rules if that was the case you wouldn't be standing"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Just a quick question, Do u vampires seduce your victims in order to drink their blood?"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She starts humming louder
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"We can..... It depends on the style of the peticular vampire"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"I see...Anyway I'm learning something from you and even get to know you"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She looks over the edge to see how high up she is.
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"Not really guess who is awake look over on the balcony"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"hey can u drink beer?"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She starts singing softly but maybe loud enough for someone to hear

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