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Forums » General Roleplay » High school

Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"Anything you want to do?"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

"No.... Just act like I'm not here"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Come you can join us afterall the more the merrier
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

"Nice to meet you allec I'm angel. But I'm only hear because I'm sick of being alone"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"well u come to the right place"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

She smiles
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"So amber anything else to do for the 3 of us?"
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"Oh wow." She scoot over next to Allec
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"I dunno."
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" Hey I about..truth or dare?"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

Angel sits there quietly Then shrugs "yeah sure"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"So whos gonna go first?"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

"Not me" she mumbled
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" I agree"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

Angels eyes widen "wait what!"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" well u go first"
Angel (played by Wolfielover03)

"Uh uh ok amber truth or dare"

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