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Forums » General Roleplay » Supernatural

Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

(Six days...)
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

(Nine days)
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

(Over two weeks)
MoonDrop (played by Hazel_Storm)

(Sorry I've been off for so long. Things have been crazy. I'm sorry, but I'm thinking of deactivating.)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

(Like for good?!)
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

(What?! Moon!)
MoonDrop (played by Hazel_Storm)

(It's like, I've tried and struggled to keep myself role playing and all for a few months, but I can't keep it up anymore. I literally can't force myself to go on much more.

I may come back, but that could take months, a year, more, who knows? Maybe never..)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

(Okay. It's your decision and I will respect it. I will be here when you come back.)
MoonDrop (played by Hazel_Storm)

(Thanks for understanding. Tell Shewolf I'll miss you both. We had a fun time. Feel free to restart the rp with just your OCs. I won't mind.)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

"No problem and will do. I'll talk about that with her later. Goodbye for now I guess.)
MoonDrop (played by Hazel_Storm)

(Talk to you later.. ^-^ )
Amber (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

(Talk to you later)

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