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Forums » General Roleplay » Prison

Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She lays down and tries to rest, ignoring the pain from the bullet wounds
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She nodded and laid back on the couch. "I'll leave when I want." She smirked and thought, "Midnight."
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She lays her head down and ignores them
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Ok then just leave me a note right I'm gunna watch some tv and then I'm gunna go to bed" gregor noticed that he wolf was bleeding these were his new friends he grabbed a towel and put on the blood shots after that he put a blanket on the wolf and smiled gregor turned he tv on and it was the news "3 futurists are on the run from a prison a $50,000 reward" "well I'm off to bed"

(1-3 just goes to bed)
(4-6 kisses ice on the forehead and goes to bed)

rolled 2d6 and got a natural 6. After the modifier of +6, got 12

Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

rolled 1d6 and got 6

Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

Too tired to try and argue, she closes her eyes and tries to sleep
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She laid her head back and sighed, listening to the tv. "Only $50,000? Ha." She smirked and pulled her hood over her right eye even further.
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She eventually falls asleep, whispering something quietly as she slept
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Hey I'm trying to sleep here" it was almost midnight gregor looked outside it was pitch black his car keys were on the kitchen side easily could be stolen his gun was next to him
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She smirked at the stroke of midnight and silently got up. "Fools." She thought to herself as she walked over and silently grabbed his car keys then made her way towards the door. "See ya suckers." She silently walked out, adjusting her hood over her right eye.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

As the door closed gregor was waken up "ice"? He knew what to do his car was connected to his phone his said to his phone "when entered and closed lock the door" gregor put on his clothes and left a note saying "be back in a second" and ran out he has to catch ice why would she run away he liked her
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She heard him and dropped the keys next to the car then ran into the shadows, blending in and unable to be seen. She smirked and started walking through the shadows, trying to get away.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

As gregor got out up he saw the keys and grabbed then and looked up but his eyesite was perfect and he looked straight ice in the eye "ice why hello" He walked over to "I like you I like you alot but DO YOU WANT TO GET KILLED YOU HEARD THE NEWS REPORTER PEOPLE CAN KILL YOU BUT WHATEVER FINE SURE GO BACK TO PRISON BUT I AINT HELPING YOUS"
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She starts waking up, hearing them leave and looks outside from a window. Her ears flatten and her eyes start to flicker red
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

Gregor waited from an awnser he was going to tell her his biggest secret but he was doubtful
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She rolled her eyes. "I'd rather be dead." She gritted her teeth as she talked then started to walk away again.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Oh well then I hope you do guess who's going back and tell on you" He said to his phone "open the door and forget what I said" the dior opended reversed and ran over ice's foot he drifted round the corner before he left he said something to ice "your a spineless creature" and cracked his music up

Keep on, keep on
Keep on chasing money
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She snarls she sits at the window, her eyes red and trying to calm down
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She rolled her eyes as her foot healed. She ran through the forest tryin to find a large tree.
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She sits quietly and watches

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