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Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She unfolds her wings, ready to follow them, not trusting Gregor
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

Kierra appears beside Kora "you don't like him either do you?"
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

"No... I don't..."
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"should we check it out"
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

"No... If something happens, break his legs..."
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"I can't stay near them long enough Ice hates me for some reason"
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

Ice looked at Gregor. "What is going on?!"
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

"Hm... I don't see why. You're lively, energetic, sarcastic, extremely rude, always remind people haw horrible they all are... What's not to like?" She smirks and follows them
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"We're going to destroy this city claim it for our own"he drove in to the city and pulled out a gun and shot some houses "I'm not killing anyone just destroying their homes this may sound bad but as long as we oh no the poilice right I'm getting out you drive zack will meet you just do what you can ok"he lept out of the car and started to run and was followed by the poilice
Kora (played by Shewolf9653)

She watches nearby, following Gregor
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She rolled her eyes and drove back to the treehouse. "I'm not for this bullshit." She got back and climbed up the ladder the sat on the edge with her feet dangling over.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Damn you ice" He shouted then some bombs went of an hour later and the whole city was in rubble gregor drove to ice and left a note about how they were brother and sister and then left for a forrest he had told ice were it was and he undressed and dove into a pool like ice
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She saw the note and ignored it. "I don't do that bullshit. I'm an only child and I keep to myself." She growled before getting up and walking inside.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

He fell to the bottom of the pool and began to meditate he sent something to ice's mind I know you don't lime this but if you find me I can explain about everything me,you, heathens everything
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She called back. "I don't care!" She then blocked her mind from him. She laid down on her bed.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

Gregor received the message- all I did for her turn countries upside down fly to 7 different countries to be treated like shit by my own sister
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She laid there listening to music. "When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It’s where my demons hide It’s where my demons hide Don’t get too close It’s dark inside It’s where my demons hide It’s where my demons hide~."
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Hummmmmmm" as he meditated in the ice cold water it was freezing to most people but it was nice and warm to him

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