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Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

He nodded "I know people say i am not ice's brother but I seriously am I wiped her memory of it I didn't want her to fail at anything just because she wonders about her past it was for her own good anyway are you felling about the job"
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"The job is not my concern" she went upstairs "I'm stealing your bed!" she said walking into his room.
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She stood up, anger welling up inside her. "How does that idiot think he is my brother? We look nothing alike. I'm part ghost, dragon, an human! He is human. I'm nothing like him. I'm a freak! He is normal. There is no way."
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Alright then I'll just sleep in the master bedroom"night he climbed into bed and opended the roof and looked at the stars 'everyone shining burning bright like my little sister' that was the poem he wrote when he was 5
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

Kierra smiled and began to look at his stuff.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Well this is quite boring" He looked at the room nothing to do but sleep
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

she appeared above him "boo"
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Ahhhh oh it's you keirra not bad I'm bored wanna go on a night time walk I know this really good place"
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"oooohhh what kind of place"
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Just a walk come on il show you" He ran to the car with keirra and drove to a park the he climbed the gates and so did keirra and they started to walked "thanks for doing that conference terrible but it was nice of you I can't just sit and there and let Samsung or windows step over me with sales so thanks you really understand me" He smiled looking into her eyes
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

"I prefer Samsung" she smirked "Longer battery life but terrible internet service"
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

(Funny since I'm on Samsung at the moment) "well" He got closer "I wouldn't tell anyone that" He smirked
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

(so am I)

She backed up "woah kid your close aren't ya"
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She gripped her hair and noticed it was night. "Screw it." She walked further into the forest, the further she went, the darker it got.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Sorry" He said climbing an oak Tree "come on" He said
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

She followed him up.
Ice (played by Mathgeek124) Topic Starter

She found a blue willow tree and smiled.
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Let's go to the top" He climbed to the top "what a view come on look at it" it was just dawn so they better be off soon
Keirra (played by Wolfielover03)

she climbed and sat there with him "We should stay all night, I know gangster says, safety." She smirks "but trust me"
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

"Alrighty anyway I'm off to sleep" He said then quietly he Dozed off he looked beautiful as his blue eyes reflected the moon

(Oh damn is keirra gunna kiss gregor :○

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