LOL, I was just going to find a party hat.
Looks like people are also going for
I'm very dead and looking for a party hat to help out
I have 5HP right now

Stab the sword of justice~
i braved it w 11 hp and it's dead now
You are a hero konnie!

cleared path, heck yes 8)
Oh, look, more aliens.
YES, they broke another!
...i spoke too soon

At this point, I propose waiting to the top of the hour, we all seem to be... pretty mauled

Might be a good idea. Apparently we need to come up with some more guesses, anywhoo.
So what is our final deadline for EW

Ha so it went just end without us actually being done?
Oh man sooo much work went into it, I'm not gonna deprive you of the finale and the prizes. But I do need to go back to work!

Haha, we're trying as best we can! Lots of challenges this week.

Yes indeed!

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