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Forums » Introductions » I haven't seen you in forever!

I used to love us. I used to love rushing to the computer to continue our adventure, to see what you had in store for me. But everything changed when life attacked. Nothing has been the same since my characters were left out in the cold, and I'm here to beg for it all back!

That being said, hello everyone! I have returned to RPing after years of disappearing from the online world. I am excited to get back into writing and flex my imagination with you. As for the genres of RP that I prefer? Fantasy! Whether that be movies/tv related, medieval, modern, or futuristic. I am open to all RPs as I begin writing more on this site.

I am a web designer/developer and live with my husband and dog. I play roller derby in my free time and have been told I can burn water when cooking. Working from home has allowed me the time to pursue the hobbies I had lost in the past. The most important, WRITING!
Hello, welcome to RPR! :)

Great intro xD
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hello and welcome back to RPR. Nice to meet you.
Kaycaughtafish Topic Starter

Thank you, everyone!
Hi there! :-) Are you going to join in on the Epic week?
Kaycaughtafish Topic Starter

Hey there!

I would like to, but I am a bit confused about how it works and how to join. I've been checking it out, though!
Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lot of fun here and make tons of new friends!
Welcome to RPR!


Feel free to message me :) we can chat or whatever :)
Have a great rest of your day!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » I haven't seen you in forever!

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