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Forums » Introductions » too much a newb but i get the concept

Hey, the name's DontBeTrippin <--- name i used for minecraft. So yeah im new to Role playing but i have done quite a bit of reading on it and get the concept. i all for trying new things and will love to role play

Hey there, welcome to the world of RP. RPR is the perfect place to start out. Lots of building tools, friendly people, and users from everywhere so you'll eventually find 'just the right match'. What kind of stories are you hoping to make?
Ambrosia Topic Starter

Iv'e been doing a few actually right now its romance and action, RPing is becoming a drug :D haha
Sanne Moderator

Hi DontBeTrippin! Can I call you DBT? XD

Like Minerva said we have tons of awesome people of many different backgrounds and RP ideas. You'll be sure to find something. :) Why not hit up the RP Discussion forum? Tons of people are looking for RP there daily. :D

If you're unsure about how to RP or need a little refresher, I founded a little group named The RP School! If you ever get stuck with something, you can of course ask RPR, but we'll always welcome you to the group. :)

That said, we thrive on curiosity and questions! Got any? Just ask away. :D And don't forget to have fun~!
Ambrosia Topic Starter

I'm lovin it so far, i have been doing a lot of RPing and I'm loving it, I may have a few questions further up but right now I think I gots it :P
Kim Site Admin

So glad you are finding RPing fun! :D This is a great and friendly place to practice and learn. People with the attitude of improvement, no matter what level they are, are always welcome. It's a good mindset to cultivate in so many areas of life. :)

Ambrosia Topic Starter

I think I'm good at RPing actually although I do make mistakes here and now.

I have a few RP threads... By a few I meant two :P
Heres the romance one:

Heres the Drama/Action:

Tell me what you think... if you do read them :D

You are on: Forums » Introductions » too much a newb but i get the concept

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