Jean shook her head. "Forget it. Are you going to teach me how to dance or not?"
Travis put his hand on back and showed her. "now the man will lead all you do is follow."
"And try not to step on your feet." She mumbled with a small laugh then nodded. "Alright."
"your talking to a guy who has danced for over two million years" he said with a smile
Jean accidcently stepped on his foot. "I'm so sorry." She voice was paniced, she had done that over a million times when her mother tried to teach her how to dance.
Jean let out a nervous laugh. "I am really sorry, I warned you I can't dance."
Jean gave a small smile. "At least I'm trying."
"At least I'm trying to dance." Jean sighed slightly but with a small smile.
"Really? Honstly I think I suck at dancing."
"you dance great." he said letting her go " now get ready we leave in a while"
Jean nodded and went to her room. She found the dress the servants had brought earlier on her bed. It was a black Victorian dress, she smiled at it. She got ready to leave.
Jean finished fixing her hair, it was a simple briad but it would have to do. She went to the door and opened it. She smiled and nodded. "Yep."
Offering his ad he smiled at her "get ready. There are a lot of guys trying to find a wife tonight"
Jean took his hand and surprised by what he said. "W-wait, what? I'm only fifhteen."
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