Jean rolled her eyes. "For once in your life, stop acting like a king and act like you"
"2012, why?"
"I was confuced when I heard of something called the Internet. And what's an iPhone?"
Jean did a facepalm. "You're hopeless if you ever want to fit in, in these times." She explained what an iPhone was then flopped down on her bed.
Jean rolled her eyes. "That is for sure. Have you changed at all since then?"
Jean sighed. "Then by those means your five years older than me, if you count the age you stopped aging. Personally, I don't what age I'll stop aging, Satan decides that." She let out angry sigh, not too please that she knows nothing of when she'll die or if she'll ever die.
"you know here there is a way to be immortal or mortal. Sadly I can't become mortal"
"Satan chooses weather I live or die. Unless you can get my soul out of his hands, there is no way for me to have full control over my life." Since Jean was born, Satan held her soul in his hands, deciding weather she lived or died. The only way she could become motral was if she got her soul back and choose to be motral, but the change would be that she would no longer be Satan's daughter, she would be free from his wrath and hatrad.
"I doubt it, I haven't even been able to see my own soul. Anyways he has locked up in his room in Hell and is the only one with the key for it."
Jean shook her head. "No, what is a x key?"
"a key that opens anything. I could sneak into hell open the door and retrace your sole"
Jean shook her head. "The key that is needed is made out of the fires in Hell itself, the lock would just melt the key."
"Again? Are you saying you've fought Satan before?" Jean sat up and looked Travis straight in the eye. Satan had never told her before about someone fighting him and living.
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