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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two worlds, not that different(OPEN)

Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I can't promise that"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Promise it or I'll leave." She was being serious.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I won't leave you"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean stood up and went to the door. "Last chance, promise it or I'll leave. You know once I step foot in the other world that Satan well come for me." Her bangs covered her eyes.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis stepped in front of her blocking the way out. "I can't do that"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean glared up at Travis but it was weak. "Promise or I leave. I'm not going to say it again Travis."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I can't let you go. I won't leave you. And even if you go I'll follow"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean gritted her teeth. "I can use shadows to hide me, and cancel my scent, arua, and everything where no one can follow me."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"jean don't do this to me"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Then don't go to Hell! My soul isn't that important!" Jean didn't want to leave or hurt Travis but she didn't want him to go to Hell to get her soul.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I woudnt have to if I didn't feel like I do about you"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"I'm just a friend, you don't have to go so far as go to Hell to get my soul!" Tears stung Jean's black eye but she didn't let them fall. She was hating every bit of this.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"Travis blushed lightly at what he was going to tell jean " I know it's wrong in your time but I like you as more than a friend"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean looked up at Travis, surprised by what he said. She blushed slightly, she couldn't deny she felt the same way but tried to talk herself out of it. "I can't say I don't feel the same way." She looked down at the ground, the blush on her cheeks growing reder.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"then you see why I have to do this"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded. "Even though I don't want you to." She looked up at Travis. "At least let me come along."
Claudesta: *came out of the portal from the underworld, she stood there her eye flaming red and her horns sharp to the tip* Hmm the only diffrence in this world is theres no fire *sigh* how boring.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I woudnt dream of leaving you"
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally walks out of the portal her hood hanging far down over her eyes, a small smile on her face. "Look Cdesta! We're here!~" Sally giggles slightly.
Claudesta:*looked up at the sky,her face completely emotionless* Yes, it seems we are

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