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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two worlds, not that different(OPEN)

Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded. "Alright, when do you plan we leave?"
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I was going to leave tonight. But we could go tomorrow"
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Claps "Oh joy! Oh joy! I just can not wait to have fun here! This world, I've heard, is cold and cruel but bitter sweet.~"
Claudesta:*looks at sally unamused* "yes yes the only thing that would make this world even better is the voices of people pleeding for there life's" *she began to smirk at the thought* "Innocent humans pleeding,pleeding for there rotten life's pleeding for mercy" * her expression turns back emotionless*
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sighs, as her personality switches she takes off her hood. Her smile has faded and her expression of joy has vanished. "Where is it we are supposed to go to first?"
Claudesta:*she began to talk in a sympathatic voice* "Well Satan did say something about this girl where supossed to search for but honestly i couldn't blame the girl having Satan as a father must be hell,* her voice then began to grow darker with joy* Well the only reason i left was to torture innocent souls and devour every single one of those souls so i guess we could set her free what do you think Sally?"
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally looked up at Claudesta. "Well, I would really like to meet this girl. How about we find her but don't take her back or tell Satan, and after meeting her we wouldn't have to go back to hell because we could say we hadn't found her yet, how about that?"
Claudesta:*Slightly smirks* "Smart thinking Sally,We could stay here forever devouring souls of the innocent,Killing and torturing men,women,and even children *She licked her lips* So Yummy.
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally sighed. "Then shall we be on are way?"
Claudesta:*Begins walking* Yes, I suppose we should
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally silently follows Claudesta, closely watching their surroundings.
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded. "Alright. We better both get something to sleep."
Claudesta:*Sighs* Say sally where should we try looking?
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally shrugs. "How should I know?"
Claudesta:*Gets a greedy smile on her face and licks her lips* Maybe we should just devour souls to past the time"
Sally Red (played by blackbonedwolf)

Sally sighs. "Whatever you wish to do is fine with me Cdesta."
Claudesta: "Hmmm I can't wait to taste those souls of the children"
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis smiles at Jean "I'll see you tomorrow then"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean smiled back at Travis. "See ya. Now I got to get ready for bed, time to get out of my room." She said as she pushed him out of her room and closed the door. She got changed into some night clothes. She crawled into the bed and fell asleep.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

The next day Travis knocked on Jeans door "time to get up. We have to leave in a while"

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