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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two worlds, not that different(OPEN)

Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean stopped walking and finally looked up at him. "I have my reasons and I would pref if you respect them and leave me be." She alwayd had this believe that if someone spent too much time around her something bad would come to them. Her mother got lucky seeing she is the one who gave Jean life, her father was already damned in Hell, how much badder could it get?
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"you know I'm no human right. I can actually read your mind if I want"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Stay the hell out of my mind." Jean hated when the rage of her devil side tried to get the best of her. She looked away from the guy and started walking the way she was headed but faster than before.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis moved with her "don't worry I haven't gone in your mind. But I can sence something bothers you"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean clenched her teeth together, the rage was boiling faster than usual. "It is none of your bussiness so just leave me alone."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"as you wish but if any thing should happen. Just call" he said snapping his finger and making a card spear in her pocket he teleported away
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean sighed, her breath coming out foggy as the night grew colder. She pulled the card out of her pocket and riped it in half and left it in the ground. She coutined to walked home. Once she saw a smiled brighten her face when she saw her mother outside waiting for her. She hugged her mother, happy to see her again.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis lay on the floor of the woods and looked at the stars. Still thinking of the girl and wonders what happened
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"I missed you so much mom." Jean said as she pulled away from her mother. Her mother smiled softly at her daughter. "I missed you too, Jean. Also, I forgot to tell but tomorrow we have to go into the city because we are running out of food." Jean nodded. "Alright. Let's go inside it is cold out here." Jean and her mother went inside the house.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis woke the next day and walked into town with nothing to do he had to find anyplace to shower
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean was already in the city with her mother. She always seemed happier with her mother, no one would think that she was the devils daughter.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Walking Travis picked up the girls scent again. Looking over a corner he saw her he walked forward
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean and her mother went into a Publix and went to get some food. It didn't take them long to get everything done and taken care of everything. Jean hadn't noticed the guy from last nights presnce at all through the time she was in the town.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis saw her with another woman and kept walking.
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean and her mother was on their way home but didn't notice that someone that looked like a hunter followed them until they were deep in the woods. The guy aimed to shot Jean in the back of the head back her mother moved infornt of her just in time. She got hit in the chest, right through the heart. Jean's mother fell to the ground dead and lifeless. "Damn, I got the mother. I won't miss this time devil child." He knew right a way what Jean was. Most people didn't know what devil children were but they were a hydber of human and devil, known to be chaotic and troublesome. Jean couldn't find the gun on her mother that she carried all the time. The hunter pointed the gun straight at Jean's head, finger on the tigger.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis saw the hunter ant tackled him to the friend. He had followed the girl and the woman. He punched the guy in the face untill he had blood in his fist
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean stared wide eyed in surprise that the guy had just saved her life. She had tears in her eyes from the realiztion that her mother was dead and her father would come and get her since the only reason she had to visit the Overworld was gone.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis walked over to the girl. White aura now covered him and the blood of the guy got sucked into his fist. A pair of white wings with a black skull. He moved close to her and put his hand on her shoulder "let's get you some where safe"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean still had tears in her black eyes and she shook her head. "I'm not leaving my mother." She protested.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I never said we were"

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