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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two worlds, not that different(OPEN)

Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

She looked up at him confused about what he meant.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis looked at her"I'm not human as you can tell" he said pointing to his wings " but I'm no angel Eather" he snapped his fingers and a portal opened two soldiers came out "I'm the king of a third world"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean had only heard of there being Heaven, Hell, and Earth. "W-What?" She couldn't believe that there could ever be another world, she knew if her father knew about it he would have told her. That meant he didn't know about it.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

" there are other realm. My family is immortal. And each child created his own world. I'm the last in the line and so far the most powerfull"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"B-but I never heard of there ever being other worlds of a-any kind. I though there was only Heaven, Hell, and Earth."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"the other worlds are hidden. That's why no one hears about it."
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Oh." Jean looked down at her mother's dead body, there was no light in her mother's gray eyes, no life. Tears rolled down Jean's cheeks as she saw the only person who ever showed care for her was lying dead at her feet.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis hugged the girl lightly. "I know how you feel"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean didn't look up at him, tears still rolling down her cheeks.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis held her "let's go be fire more come"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded but didn't move, seeing that he was still holding her.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Letting her go Travis signaled to the portal and the two soldiers moved and picked up the girls mother
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean watched as they took away her mother, the tears still came but one by one slowly drying up.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis put his hand on her back his wings spread "go on"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean took in a breath and walked through the partol.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis walked throug after her. Apearing in front of a castle Travis looked at her "welcome to my home" he signaled forward and made his wings disapear in a rain of black and white feathers
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean walked forward, still in shock of all that just happened and how close she came to death. Again. The tears had dried up on her face but her eyes were blood shot from the crying over the death of her mother.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"I'll show you to your room. You need to rest"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded. She didn't feel like speaking.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis led her to her room " if you need anything just call" he said before leaving

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