Jean nodded and sat down on the bed. She laid down on her back staring up at the cieling. "I don't understand life..." She mumbled under her breath before turning on her side, her back to the door.
Travis left the castle and walked around town.he woudnt be back till morning
Jean staied in her room, trying to figure out all of this crazy confusing stuff that people call life. "Aren't I already half dead...? I'm have devil so what am I? Alive or dead?"
Travis CamerĂșn back in the morning and knoked on the girls door "you should eat something"
Jean shook her head and said "I'm fine..." She was in a state of depression and worry. She knew the second Satan found out that her mother was gone he would come after her and drag her back to the dephts of Hell again.
"i know how you feel. But you really should eat something moping around won't help."
"I'm fine..." She repeaded, her voice flat and emotionless. She knew that no one else knew how it felt to be Satan's child, he had only one as far as she knew.
Travis sighed and walked in the room " sitting on the bed he said " you know I had to kill my brother."
"It still doesn't prove you know how I feel..." She mumbled, keeping her back to him. She could sense Satan already looking for her on Earth.
"he was all I had. My father went crazy and killed my mother in front of us as children. Then he destroyed his world with him inside it. Only my brother and I came out. Then he went crazy and took my realm he was about to destroy it and my people"
Jean still didn't look up at him. "You don't have Satan's blood running threw your veins... You know nothing about my life..." She quickly wiped away a tear that slipped out of the coner of her eye.
" no I don't. But I do have a curse to live forever. I'll live on while I see my friends die my people. I've lost too many. But if you say I dont understand then fine." travis stood up and walked outside the room "they'll bring food up in a while." he said before leaving
"Immortally sucks..." Jean mumbled. Since she was Satan's daughter she couldn't die even if she wanted too. Her father was the only one who was allowed to bring her death and he wouldn't do that to her because she was to be the next Satan, weather she wanted to or not.
Jean told them to leave it at the door. She knew she could go months without food, she's done it before and surived, she could do it again. It was hard to believe that girl of 15 could have been through more pain than anyone could have been in their whole life.
Jean nodded but didn't say anything. She was clutching a pillow to her chest, trying to block out the images of her mothers final moments.
Went into her room and said " still felling down? You need to come out side this isn't heathy"
Jean sighed and sat up. She looked over at him, there was still some life left in her black eyes. "What's the point?"
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