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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two worlds, not that different(OPEN)

Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis walked forward " before I forget Gabriel can grow. Just say his name"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded and followed beside him until they got back to the waterfall but before she dived in she asked "Well water effect him?"
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"he won't be able to ignite untill he is dry that's all"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded then dived into the water. She soon resurfaced on the other side and got out of the water. She ringed out her hair to get as much out as she could.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis swam up and got out if the water "anything else you want to do?"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"We still need to go looking around the woods, we've only seen one part of it." She said as she finished ringing out her water.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis helped her on the horse and then got Gabriel strapped on her horse as well. He got on his horse and moved forward. " there is a clearing in there full of extinct flowers with the sweetest of smells"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean smiled at that. "Really? I neverheard of a flower being extinct." She had her horse moving along side his.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"a lot of things went extinct with the dinosaurs. " they went forward untill they reached a clearing where flowers in many colors were at
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean got down off the horse and smiled brightly at how beatiful the field was. "Oh my God, this is so beatiful."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"one of my favorite spots in my realm. Whis is endless by the way"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean stared wide eyed at Travis then looked back at the field of flowers. Sure enough she couldn't tell where it ended. She had no words to describe how she felt about this.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis smiled at her. "I come here to think"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"It sure looks like a great place to come to think." She commented, still smiling at how beatiful the field was.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis walked to her and took her hand " how do you feel?"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean shook her head. "Words can't describe my emotions right now."
Travis (played by Rudito01)

Travis pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything"
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean knew what Travis meant and looked down. She hugged him back, hidding her face in his chest.
Travis (played by Rudito01)

"you can trust me you know" he said still holding her
Jean (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Jean nodded. "Yes. Yes I do know." A few tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

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