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Forums » Looking for RP » Help Wanted! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Jay Salina (played by KansasVenomoth)

You have recently moved to Kansas City, Kansas for whatever reason, perhaps you're going to live with family, maybe your parents have landed a better job here, but whatever the reason is, you need a new job and a local candy shop is looking for new employees. Winter is soon approaching, and with winter, comes Christmas. Jay has put out a flier for some extra hands around the shop. Catching your interest, you decide to look into it. It pays rather well and it offers nice benefits. You soon manage to land an interview with the owner. Will you impress the owner and get the job or will you be turned down for someone else?

This will be a modern setting, slice of life type RP taking place in a fictionalized Kansas City, Kansas. Romance is possible, language is likely, and combat is highly unlikely, but crimes and civil outbreaks do exist, so combat isn't totally out of the question, magic isn't allowed, however. I would prefer this to be a 1x1 RP. PM me if you need more details :D
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Elise Moore (played by Crystie78)

I'd love to give this a try! :)
Jay Salina (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Elise Moore wrote:
I'd love to give this a try! :)

Awesome! I'll go ahead and PM you!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Help Wanted! (closed)

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