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Forums » General Roleplay » Child of the night

Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Ok, so I'm not exactly supposed to exist (like at all). Or I was just someone that most reasoned couldn't exist, and there for shouldn't? Heck if I know, I've spent my life running, running from gods that saw me as an abomination. Running from monsters that want me dead, and running from a mother I'm afraid to meet. It's not hard to start seeing yourself as what they say you are if you've heard it enough times and we're never saw reason not to believe that.
I am the child of a broken vow, a sacred oath torn a sunder by an unlikely love.

I am Alex grey, I am the son of Artemis, and currently I find myself running for my life amongst a large forest from a large Cyclops with a bad attitude.
Ok so I shot his eye out and stole his food, he doesn't have to be such a baby about it.
And for gods sake someone help me.

(Just starting an rp with a character I haven't touched in awhile, feel free to take this story wherever you wish. But if it gets to be to much, I'll relegate this to separate stories .)

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