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Forums » Introductions » New here, ayy

Ayy everyone so.. im a self taught, tortured artist from the US of A I havent rp'd in a long time so I thought this would be the perfect site to get back into it! Plus now I have a helpful place to keep track of characters since I do not have a lmao
I only have one charrie up right now, my beautiful tiger bab and wouldnt mind starting his story with someone c:
I really just wanna make friends and rp in a friendly enviorment, I like animal, human rps and im fine with NSFW (sexual) rps depending on the rp of course.
Yeee ~puwuwuw
Ayy Pup, welcome to RPR! :)
Hi and welcome!
If you need a RP-partner, just leave a message
Welcome to RPR!

Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait a couple years to participate in any sexual RPs (I noticed that your profile says you're 16). RPR follows US law, where it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to be involved in a sexual RP. If you were to participate in one, your RP partner would be breaking the law (even if they didn't know your age), and it would not matter what you said about it because you are considered underaged.

However, you're still fully free to play all sorts of non-sexual RPs!

Welcome to RPR! If you have any questions, want to rp, or anything,g just shoot me a pm!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi and welcome to rpr!!!
Hi, welcome to RPR! :D

What Novalyyn said. But I hope you'll have lots of fun regardless! :)
Welcome to RPR! Hope you have a ton of fun here, I know I have.
Hello, Welcome to RPR!

Hello and welcome!
I also have to concur with Nova here as well. For your safety and and the safety of those you RP with, it's best to just stick to non-sexual RPs in the All-Ages Looking for RP Forum. Better to wait in this case than cause risks to yourself and your newfound friends, okay?

Regardless, it's really nice to meet you! I'm Lucreé, but call me Light or whatever you like~ Welcome to RPR!

If you need any help at all, please don't hesitate to ask us for tips and advice, okay? We'll do our best to point you in the right direction. Hope you enjoy the site!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New here, ayy

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