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Forums » Introductions » Let's see...


New to this site, but I see limitless promise here.

...And therein lies my problem: Where to begin? My RP preferences (or lack thereof) leave me with so much that I'm struggling to decide.

Would anyone happen to have need of another player? I'm not new to the RP scene in any way, nor will I hesitate to try something new. ...Just be warned that I have preference to the 'darker tones' of the world.";
Sanne Moderator

Hi Tamagakure!

Looks like you could take a look at our RP Discussion forum. :D Tons of people are looking for tons of different things, and that includes some of the darker stuff too. ;) I know you probably already checked it out there, but you can also start your own thread right there for specific requests!

Where did you RP before you came to the site?
Kim Site Admin

Well hello there! Welcome to the site. So very very glad to hear that you're having trouble picking between all the Goods. :)
Tamagakure Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Where did you RP before you came to the site?

I started on the forums of Gaia Online, and moved to Coloholics Anonymous eventually. Got tired of both places closing threads just because they could, so I eventually just dropped both and went to IM and PM.

Now I'm here in hopes of something better.
Tamagakure Topic Starter

Also, I've already sniffed around the RP Discussion section, and set down a few comments/offers. Yet awaiting reply.
Tamagakure Topic Starter

...And yet awaiting reply...
Kim Site Admin

School has started and the offers on the table just this moment are quite different than they were a month ago, in most cases. Perhaps refreshing your offers wouldn't hurt. :)

Also, have you joined us in the chat yet?

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Let's see...

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