This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
The Isle of Tyne has for the last four hundred years been under the rule of the Rostran Empire. The free spirited people fought for a long time to resist occupation, yet they fell to their far technologically advanced foe. The native language was banned and Rostran history was all that was taught in schools. Then just six years ago came the Great Awreala war, which plunged every nation on the whole continent of Awreala into a six-year war killing millions of soldiers from the great empires of man. Now is the time to fight back and reclaim the lands which for so long have been taken from you!
This will be a steampunk/ww1 rp focusing on the player characters group known as the TFA (Tyne Freedom Army) fighting to take back their land. Technology wise it is on the very upper edge of steampunk with very much ww1 style weapons and similarly armed airships.
Either way I will be using custom maps made in hexographer for players to get a better idea of the areas their characters will be rping in.
If you have made it through all that well done and if you are interested in joining please do let me know via this or pms. Do include which version you would rather in answer, for if you don't specify I will take it as you are happy with the way I designed it.
This will be a steampunk/ww1 rp focusing on the player characters group known as the TFA (Tyne Freedom Army) fighting to take back their land. Technology wise it is on the very upper edge of steampunk with very much ww1 style weapons and similarly armed airships.
How it works
There are two starting factions, The TFA (Tyne Freedom Army) and the Rostran imperial police force. The two factions job is to go around securing territory and increasing the morale of their own side. Players will be at certain points on the map and are able to move around in these locations interacting with the NPCs and each other all with the goal of trying to further their sides objectives.
Changed! From now on players will only able to join the resistance faction unless they really want to play as the police forces.
After certain amounts of time players will be able to move from their current location to another location within a certain range depending on their mode of transport. Say on foot you can move 10 tiles but on car, over roads, you could move significantly more. To go by sea you must be at a port or a location which your faction can launch ships from.
If people like the concept but not the almost strategy game like gameplay the rp would function around I can and do have a more linear plotline for players should they so wish. This version would be much more action based rather than focused on a more overall and grand experience.
Changed! From now on players will only able to join the resistance faction unless they really want to play as the police forces.
After certain amounts of time players will be able to move from their current location to another location within a certain range depending on their mode of transport. Say on foot you can move 10 tiles but on car, over roads, you could move significantly more. To go by sea you must be at a port or a location which your faction can launch ships from.
If people like the concept but not the almost strategy game like gameplay the rp would function around I can and do have a more linear plotline for players should they so wish. This version would be much more action based rather than focused on a more overall and grand experience.
There are only two races which inhabit the island of Tyne, humans which make ue 90 to 95% of the population and the species humanity has simply called the thin ones.
Humanity: A numerous race populating most of the continent of Awreala with their machines and technology. They unlike ever other species are not born with inherent magical power and only tiny numbers are able to afford the crystals which lie in other beings to gain the magical power inside of them. However, they mostly rely on their own tools and mechanised steam powered limbs which are widely available all over ever land controlled by humanity
Thin ones: Thin ones are a much less numerous race coming from the neighbouring continent of Orax. In appearance, they resemble tall thin humans with green iris' and bald heads. They possess minor telekinetic powers and are able to lift light objects up. As such they are highly prized worker for all humans no matter their side
Humanity: A numerous race populating most of the continent of Awreala with their machines and technology. They unlike ever other species are not born with inherent magical power and only tiny numbers are able to afford the crystals which lie in other beings to gain the magical power inside of them. However, they mostly rely on their own tools and mechanised steam powered limbs which are widely available all over ever land controlled by humanity
Thin ones: Thin ones are a much less numerous race coming from the neighbouring continent of Orax. In appearance, they resemble tall thin humans with green iris' and bald heads. They possess minor telekinetic powers and are able to lift light objects up. As such they are highly prized worker for all humans no matter their side
Faction info: TFA
The TFA is the latest incarnation of resistance in Tyne. It has widespread roots across the entire island especially in the north and west, however, in the south and south-east of the island the TFA has very little hold over the area with the population there being more in support of Rostra. Most weapons the TFA possess are light arms being both rifles and pistols which ex-soldiers kept after returning home from the Great Awrealan war. Any vehicles they possess are not armoured and very few are any better than standard civilian transport. All airships are of civilian make and have no weapons.
Faction info: Rostra
The Royal Rostran forces are the dominant naval power on the continent of Awreala and while they did not lose as many troops as other nations fighting in the Great Awrealan war it has still returned war weary and depleted. Most of the forces stationed in Tyne currently are recruited from loyalist areas with all the officers from the homelands of the Rostran Empire. A few contingents are from the extremely loyal Rostan island of Frostari. The Rostran forces have access to much greater weapons of war but have little to no moral.
There is currently only one Brigade of Rostran troops deployed within Tyne which sizes at roughly 4,500 troops.
This brigade is made up of five battalions:
The 33rd (Comprised of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra)
The 42nd (Comprised of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra)
The 21st Armoured (Comprised of a mixture of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra and Rostran homeland troops)
The 7th Frostari guards (Troops completely loyal to Rostra)
The 15th Royal engineer corps (A half sized battalion mainly manning the airships and heavy machines)
There is currently only one Brigade of Rostran troops deployed within Tyne which sizes at roughly 4,500 troops.
This brigade is made up of five battalions:
The 33rd (Comprised of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra)
The 42nd (Comprised of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra)
The 21st Armoured (Comprised of a mixture of natives to Tyne loyal to Rostra and Rostran homeland troops)
The 7th Frostari guards (Troops completely loyal to Rostra)
The 15th Royal engineer corps (A half sized battalion mainly manning the airships and heavy machines)
For this map, which is curently in its very basic stage, red areas, cities town and villages are ones with a majority loyalty to Rostra or directly controlled by Rostran forces. Black areas which greatly outnumber the red are ones loyal to the rebel cause.
For this map, which is curently in its very basic stage, red areas, cities town and villages are ones with a majority loyalty to Rostra or directly controlled by Rostran forces. Black areas which greatly outnumber the red are ones loyal to the rebel cause.
Either way I will be using custom maps made in hexographer for players to get a better idea of the areas their characters will be rping in.
If you have made it through all that well done and if you are interested in joining please do let me know via this or pms. Do include which version you would rather in answer, for if you don't specify I will take it as you are happy with the way I designed it.
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Industrial revolution
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.
Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
id be interested if thats okay with you
Hey! This sounds really interesting! I'm really curious as to how this strategy game style role play will work, I hope this character is fine. Obviously her background can be changed so I hope she's a good fit.
Zbolt5101 wrote:
id be interested if thats okay with you
It is very much okay, I've updated the information if you want to take a look at that to see if it works for you.
Lady Besario Vi wrote:
Hey! This sounds really interesting! I'm really curious as to how this strategy game style role play will work, I hope this character is fine. Obviously her background can be changed so I hope she's a good fit.
Thank you for the interest! Just to let you know I've updated the information here so you can have a proper idea of the map and factions. I'd love to have you in this rp. I take it you will be on the rebel side?
Thekaleidoscope wrote:
Lady Besario Vi wrote:
Hey! This sounds really interesting! I'm really curious as to how this strategy game style role play will work, I hope this character is fine. Obviously her background can be changed so I hope she's a good fit.
Thank you for the interest! Just to let you know I've updated the information here so you can have a proper idea of the map and factions. I'd love to have you in this rp. I take it you will be on the rebel side?
Yep rebel side, and I like all this lore and information. I am excited to start!
I'm interested, I'm planning on using this character. Keep in mind ive never roleplayed before so you might need to be patient with me. Let me know if i need to make any changes to the character in order to fit the rp
Heya ! Jumping in before the train moves on ! (3vs3 is that it ?)
I'dreally like to join this one too, Kalei' !
I'll join the bad guys of the rostral forces if no one wants to ^^
I'dreally like to join this one too, Kalei' !
I'll join the bad guys of the rostral forces if no one wants to ^^
Crystal wrote:
I'm interested, I'm planning on using this character. Keep in mind ive never roleplayed before so you might need to be patient with me. Let me know if i need to make any changes to the character in order to fit the rp
Looks fine. I'll be setting up a group for this if that's alright
SnowDust wrote:
Heya ! Jumping in before the train moves on ! (3vs3 is that it ?)
I'dreally like to join this one too, Kalei' !
I'll join the bad guys of the rostral forces if no one wants to ^^
I'dreally like to join this one too, Kalei' !
I'll join the bad guys of the rostral forces if no one wants to ^^
Right, that's good. So three people now.
For anyone else this is still open and I'm looking for one to two more people now.
I would like to join
Thekaleidoscope wrote:
Crystal wrote:
I'm interested, I'm planning on using this character. Keep in mind ive never roleplayed before so you might need to be patient with me. Let me know if i need to make any changes to the character in order to fit the rp
Looks fine. I'll be setting up a group for this if that's alright
Yea Thats fine
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The resistance (steampunk/ww1 rebellion (closed)
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