This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
In the beginning there was only darkness. For ages and ages, it existed alone, and everything was dark, and quiet, and peaceful. And then the light appeared, just a small spark amidst the sea of blackness, but it grew and grew. And the darkness hated the light, and it sought to destroy it. But the light was strong, and it continued to grow. For ages and ages they battled, equally matched. But eventually as the light grew, it gained the upper hand and beat back the dark. But it did not destroy the dark, for light does not destroy- rather it creates. And so it bound the darkness and locked it away. And it created the stars of the sky, guardians to watch over the darkness, forever ensuring it did not escape its prison.
Then, with the darkness subdued, the light began creating. It brought into being the world, called H2Q, and shaped every hill and valley by hand, with tender, loving care, as a mother would treat her child. It created all manner of creatures, great and small, to inhabit the world it had created. It created guardians, each of whom was tasked to look after certain things, to nurture and care for the world that the light had created. And it created the four strongest guardians to oversee the lesser guardians. And finally, the light was satisfied with the world it had created, and it withdrew, falling into a deep sleep, entrusting its creation to the guardians.
For a time, the guardians did their duty, protecting the land and all who dwelt in it, and all was well. But as time passed, the bonds that held back the darkness began to weaken. As much as the darkness hated the light, it hated the world it had created even more, because it knew that the world was precious to the light, and so it yearned to destroy H2Q, but it could not escape its prison. But that did not mean that the dark was powerless. It began whispering in the ears of the four guardians the light had created last. And their hearts were turned against the others, and they began to hate each other. And each of them began gathering members of the lesser races, who had begun to worship the guardians as gods. They gathered their followers into armies, and they went to war with each other. And one by one, the lesser guardians began to side with their chosen among the four, and they rallied their followers to join in the armies. And these wars, which would later be known as the God Wars, raged for generations, and not one corner of the world was spared from the terrible bloodshed.
And even in its sleep, the light sensed the turmoil that raged across the world it so dearly loved, and it was troubled. It dreamed of another guardian, more powerful than the four, who would be able to put an end to the fighting. And so it happened, and the one that the light had dreamed of came into being, and the four feared her. But she knew that while she was stronger than each of them on her own, if they allied against her, she would be powerless against them. And she, in her cunning, saw that she needed to ensure that the four remained enemies. She used their animosity against them, and they were banished to the heavens, forbidden from directly interfering with the world. But she allowed them to communicate with their followers, and they continued to work against each other in secret, not realizing that she knew. And so, they continued to hate and plot against each other, instead of allying against her. And the wars that had raged unchecked for so long finally ceased. And while the four continued to covertly scheme against each other, she took over the role the four should have filled, and looked after the world.
And finally all was well, as it had been meant to be, for many generations. But now, it seems that the period of relative peace may be coming to an end. For the fifth guardian has been silent for many years now, and the four have grown ever bolder in their moves against each other. And recently, the stars in the sky, so constant and unchanging in their watchfulness, have begun vanishing, one by one. And the people have begun to whisper. They fear that the shadow of bloodshed is coming, and the era of the second God Wars is upon them. And they fear that once the stars vanish, the darkness will break free and its rage will consume the world until once again it is all that is left.
It is in these troubled times that our story begins. It is then that an unlikely hero has a mysterious dream, of the world consumed by flame and sea and storm, and there is a mysterious voice, telling them to journey to the ruins of an ancient temple, once devoted to the worship of the light itself. And for whatever their reason, be it concern for the world, the potential for great rewards, or just simply curiosity, they obey the voice and set out. But upon reaching the temple, they discover that they were not alone in being called there. Who is the mysterious girl waiting for them? For what purpose were they called? And where will this journey lead them? But I cannot answer those questions, my friends, as they have not yet come to pass, for this story is, as of yet, unwritten.
Then, with the darkness subdued, the light began creating. It brought into being the world, called H2Q, and shaped every hill and valley by hand, with tender, loving care, as a mother would treat her child. It created all manner of creatures, great and small, to inhabit the world it had created. It created guardians, each of whom was tasked to look after certain things, to nurture and care for the world that the light had created. And it created the four strongest guardians to oversee the lesser guardians. And finally, the light was satisfied with the world it had created, and it withdrew, falling into a deep sleep, entrusting its creation to the guardians.
For a time, the guardians did their duty, protecting the land and all who dwelt in it, and all was well. But as time passed, the bonds that held back the darkness began to weaken. As much as the darkness hated the light, it hated the world it had created even more, because it knew that the world was precious to the light, and so it yearned to destroy H2Q, but it could not escape its prison. But that did not mean that the dark was powerless. It began whispering in the ears of the four guardians the light had created last. And their hearts were turned against the others, and they began to hate each other. And each of them began gathering members of the lesser races, who had begun to worship the guardians as gods. They gathered their followers into armies, and they went to war with each other. And one by one, the lesser guardians began to side with their chosen among the four, and they rallied their followers to join in the armies. And these wars, which would later be known as the God Wars, raged for generations, and not one corner of the world was spared from the terrible bloodshed.
And even in its sleep, the light sensed the turmoil that raged across the world it so dearly loved, and it was troubled. It dreamed of another guardian, more powerful than the four, who would be able to put an end to the fighting. And so it happened, and the one that the light had dreamed of came into being, and the four feared her. But she knew that while she was stronger than each of them on her own, if they allied against her, she would be powerless against them. And she, in her cunning, saw that she needed to ensure that the four remained enemies. She used their animosity against them, and they were banished to the heavens, forbidden from directly interfering with the world. But she allowed them to communicate with their followers, and they continued to work against each other in secret, not realizing that she knew. And so, they continued to hate and plot against each other, instead of allying against her. And the wars that had raged unchecked for so long finally ceased. And while the four continued to covertly scheme against each other, she took over the role the four should have filled, and looked after the world.
And finally all was well, as it had been meant to be, for many generations. But now, it seems that the period of relative peace may be coming to an end. For the fifth guardian has been silent for many years now, and the four have grown ever bolder in their moves against each other. And recently, the stars in the sky, so constant and unchanging in their watchfulness, have begun vanishing, one by one. And the people have begun to whisper. They fear that the shadow of bloodshed is coming, and the era of the second God Wars is upon them. And they fear that once the stars vanish, the darkness will break free and its rage will consume the world until once again it is all that is left.
It is in these troubled times that our story begins. It is then that an unlikely hero has a mysterious dream, of the world consumed by flame and sea and storm, and there is a mysterious voice, telling them to journey to the ruins of an ancient temple, once devoted to the worship of the light itself. And for whatever their reason, be it concern for the world, the potential for great rewards, or just simply curiosity, they obey the voice and set out. But upon reaching the temple, they discover that they were not alone in being called there. Who is the mysterious girl waiting for them? For what purpose were they called? And where will this journey lead them? But I cannot answer those questions, my friends, as they have not yet come to pass, for this story is, as of yet, unwritten.
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.
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