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Forums » General Roleplay » Immortaliy Sucks(OPEN)

Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"No other angel very much liked me either, only because my wings are black instead of white. It's strange how easily they forget a solider and princess over something that couldn't have been prevented." Luna sighed, the ringing sound along with it. She hadn't noticed but the cross necklace around her neck that she kept under her the collar of her dress had fallen out.
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agana noticed the necklace but wasn't bothered by it." I'm not only different in my control but my sword that happens to be bonded to me is a Gluttony Demon."The sword glowed in response.
Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"And is that your problem? That's what people don't see. You can't control everything that happens so why blame you? It isn't your fault that you are the daughter of a Sin, it isn't your fault that you have a terrible temper, none of it is your fault so why blame you for that?" Luna sighed again, closing her eyes. Strangly it began to snow, even though this was England.
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agana looked up and noticed the snow. One landed on her skin and immediately sizzled. Agana flinched."I guess since they want to make their Sin parent happy that they have a child."
Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"It still doesn't make sense, you shouldn't be tagerted for something that you couldn't help. People are so cruel." The snow stopped as soon as it came.
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agana let out a sigh of relief when the snow stopped." Well until you figure out children of Sin can be crueler than people, you'd feel a lot better getting targeted by people."
Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Really, I don't care if I die or not. I've been around since 1629, I think I have been around too long but that is something I can't decide."
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agana looked at Luna with wide eyes. " Y-your immortal t-too?" Agana was immortal but she had been alive for so long she couldn't remember what year she was born.
Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Luna nodded. "I am an angel, all of them are immortal but if they aren't dead in two hundered years they will be killed unless exiled."
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agana glanced away." I guess I forgot about that. Most Sin children can choose when they die."
Luna Nanada (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"That's a freedom they have that angels don't. No one really sees that angels have no freedom whatsoever, they have a duty and have to do it, weather they like it or not."
Agana (played by ChaosTheMew)

"I can understand that too. My father forces me into my warrior form when I'm around too many people."
Abigor (played anonymously)

I know this is five years old, but I'd be interested in this.
Abigor (played anonymously)

Silja Fenren wrote:
((It's five years old. PM the original poster if you're interested but please, please, please stop resurrecting all these old posts like you have been.))

I didn't mean to bother anyone with this.

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