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Forums » Looking for RP » Romance RP Idea 1x1 MxF need male werewo (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Aurelia (played by HallowsEve)

My pack was destroyed by the humans who feared us. Feared our powers, the ability to change our form into our ancestors before us, the Wolf.

A gray wolf limped through the burned remains of a small town, ashes still hot and black smoke billowing up into the dark sky above. It's breathing labored as a severe wound in it's side soaked the fur around it and dripped blood into the ashy soil beneath it's body. Sorrow made the wolf move much slower as it respectfully moved around the lifeless bodies of it's fellow pack members.

The humans feared what they could not understand. We protected them from the other dangers outside of their boundaries. Now as I limp away from my home, my pack, i can sense the other more terrifying creatures creeping in slowly. They will consume the lifeless bodies of my pack and I can not stop them from doing so. When the creatures have finished they will move on to the human city. All of the humans will perish within a week. Some may escape but they will not last long enough on their own to reach the next city a hundred miles from here.

The wolf drags it's body into the near woods, collapsing underneath a thorn bush just on the outer edges. It watches as black shadowy beasts begin their slow descent on it's home. The beasts waver on the edges of the town before suddenly disappearing into it with a speed the wolf can no longer track in its condition. Slowly, the wolf's eyes close.

I was an Alpha to the Ash Forest pack. Now, I am alone. And I am dying. We have failed at our mission to protect the humans here. I only pray to the Moon Goddess that our fellow packs do not....

I ascend into the light of the full moon. There the most beautiful woman i have ever seen sits on a pier with her feet in a pool of water that reflects the moon's light. She smiles at me and i can not move from my spot. "Hello Athena. You have been dealt a great injustice. I will send you back for another chance at life in another pack. This is your last chance. There you will have no knowledge of your previous life. But you will have the true instincts of an Alpha. Though I am afraid that your path will be a hard one. Now go. And I will be with you," she speaks to my mind without opening her mouth. Suddenly, i am falling...

Aurelia woke with a jolt, bolting upright in her bed. The same dream has haunted her since she was a little girl. Usually exercise helped to reduce the amount of times she would have the dream but lately it was every night.

Shaking her head as she got out of bed, she stretched then headed off to the bathroom. Turning the shower on to cold, she stripped down and hopped in. Twenty minutes later, she was dressed, had made breakfast for her little sister and grabbed an apple for herself. Getting her little sister, Sofia, out of bed was the hard part. By time little Sofia was dressed and had eaten, Aurelia was late to helping set up for the Alpha's sons 25 birthday. Today was a special day as it would be his day to find his mate. Usually a mate stood out by a certain scent that was personal to the male. But Aurelia had heard that in some cases, all the women changed to look average compared to the mate, who looked almost like a Goddess to the male. Every male was different.

Aurelia picked up Sofia and headed out the door, trekking the mile to the pack's innermost homes. The large one in the middle of all the homes belonged to the Alpha's family. There, she let Sofia play with the other children her age and began setting up for the party along with the other ladies of the house.

(Okay so this is an action/romance rp. My personal preference of writing is no one or three liners. I would like a good paragraph or two. You don't have to have perfect grammar but great grammar would be awesome. I understand some grammar mistakes though i have them myself. I like it when you have ideas and can lead in the rp just as much as i can. Most of the times if these aren't met i will drop the rp. It's nothing against you i just have a hard time rping otherwise. The Alpha's son and Aurelia is the mated pair. Of course that's not exactly what the Alpha's son was hoping for since she is below an Omega even. Also im looking for the type of werewolf that changes into an actual wolf.)

Aurelia wrote:
My pack was destroyed by the humans who feared us. Feared our powers, the ability to change our form into our ancestors before us, the Wolf.

A gray wolf limped through the burned remains of a small town, ashes still hot and black smoke billowing up into the dark sky above. It's breathing labored as a severe wound in it's side soaked the fur around it and dripped blood into the ashy soil beneath it's body. Sorrow made the wolf move much slower as it respectfully moved around the lifeless bodies of it's fellow pack members.

The humans feared what they could not understand. We protected them from the other dangers outside of their boundaries. Now as I limp away from my home, my pack, i can sense the other more terrifying creatures creeping in slowly. They will consume the lifeless bodies of my pack and I can not stop them from doing so. When the creatures have finished they will move on to the human city. All of the humans will perish within a week. Some may escape but they will not last long enough on their own to reach the next city a hundred miles from here.

The wolf drags it's body into the near woods, collapsing underneath a thorn bush just on the outer edges. It watches as black shadowy beasts begin their slow descent on it's home. The beasts waver on the edges of the town before suddenly disappearing into it with a speed the wolf can no longer track in its condition. Slowly, the wolf's eyes close.

I was an Alpha to the Ash Forest pack. Now, I am alone. And I am dying. We have failed at our mission to protect the humans here. I only pray to the Moon Goddess that our fellow packs do not....

I ascend into the light of the full moon. There the most beautiful woman i have ever seen sits on a pier with her feet in a pool of water that reflects the moon's light. She smiles at me and i can not move from my spot. "Hello Athena. You have been dealt a great injustice. I will send you back for another chance at life in another pack. This is your last chance. There you will have no knowledge of your previous life. But you will have the true instincts of an Alpha. Though I am afraid that your path will be a hard one. Now go. And I will be with you," she speaks to my mind without opening her mouth. Suddenly, i am falling...

Aurelia woke with a jolt, bolting upright in her bed. The same dream has haunted her since she was a little girl. Usually exercise helped to reduce the amount of times she would have the dream but lately it was every night.

Shaking her head as she got out of bed, she stretched then headed off to the bathroom. Turning the shower on to cold, she stripped down and hopped in. Twenty minutes later, she was dressed, had made breakfast for her little sister and grabbed an apple for herself. Getting her little sister, Sofia, out of bed was the hard part. By time little Sofia was dressed and had eaten, Aurelia was late to helping set up for the Alpha's sons 25 birthday. Today was a special day as it would be his day to find his mate. Usually a mate stood out by a certain scent that was personal to the male. But Aurelia had heard that in some cases, all the women changed to look average compared to the mate, who looked almost like a Goddess to the male. Every male was different.

Aurelia picked up Sofia and headed out the door, trekking the mile to the pack's innermost homes. The large one in the middle of all the homes belonged to the Alpha's family. There, she let Sofia play with the other children her age and began setting up for the party along with the other ladies of the house.

(Okay so this is an action/romance rp. My personal preference of writing is no one or three liners. I would like a good paragraph or two. You don't have to have perfect grammar but great grammar would be awesome. I understand some grammar mistakes though i have them myself. I like it when you have ideas and can lead in the rp just as much as i can. Most of the times if these aren't met i will drop the rp. It's nothing against you i just have a hard time rping otherwise. The Alpha's son and Aurelia is the mated pair. Of course that's not exactly what the Alpha's son was hoping for since she is below an Omega even. Also im looking for the type of werewolf that changes into an actual wolf.)
I'm interested pm me

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Romance RP Idea 1x1 MxF need male werewo (closed)

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