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Forums » General Roleplay » The Bear Minimum

Eren Severa (played by KansasVenomoth)

On a rather cloudy day in the woods of Oregon, just a short distance from Portland remained the home of the infamous 'Metallica Bear'. According to rumors, if you walk far enough within the woods you could spot a massive grizzly bear that blasts Metallica for reasons unknown. However, very few people have gone to investigate due to the sheer size of the bear, giving the impression that it was a threatening, man eating, killing machine. However, the Metallica Bear was quite the opposite and was rather cuddly. The very bear was wandering through the woods in hopes of procuring some lunch, specifically his favorite; freshly caught salmon and honey. As he approached the river, he could be overheard blasting Metallica's 'Moth Into Flame' as he waded into the river to catch some fish.
Merak - The Slothful Conjurer (played by Asroc)

{I think I may join this. I like the sound of this.}
Eren Severa (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Merak - The Slothful Conjurer wrote:
{I think I may join this. I like the sound of this.}

Merak - The Slothful Conjurer (played by Asroc)

"So borin'. Why do I haaaave to be here...?"

It was obvious. He was dragged out by two of his team mates. Merak decided to go wandering, not giving a care.

He was only thirteen years old. Young adept with his own hidden powers of the worm hole. He wore his normal sumeragi uniform. The jacket being undone and his uniform dress shirt being untucked. His pants covered parts of his blue sneaks. He was rather lazy and sleepy. One of Sumeragi's youngest members. A boy who was into gaming and well... sleeping. With one hand in his trouser pockets and the other on the side of his face, that adjusted his headphones, he yawned softly.

"Borin' Borin'. Nature maaaakes me sleepy. I rather be back at head quarters, playin' some MMO's or sleepin'."

However, the young boy's attention was caught. He heard something. Music? Maybe he should investigate.
Eren Severa (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

The strange grizzly simply continued fishing, having a large pile of salmon on one side of the lake. The music continued blasting, changing throughout various Metallica songs every now and then. The bear seemed to be growling along to the music, making for a rather comedic scene for anyone passing by. Generally, he would've heard or smell someone passing his part of the woods, his brain was simply too focused on the fresh fish he was fishing up.
Merak - The Slothful Conjurer (played by Asroc)

"Wha..? What the..."

He couldn't help it. Bringing his hands to his eyes, he rubbed them. Did he just see a bear? A bear growling to the music? Seemed rather odd. He knew they were dangerous creatures. Even adepts such as him knew better. Keeping a good distance, Merak would lean himself against a tree and just watch.

"Haah..!" He chuckled. "Quite the show we have here..." He mused. He hoped the bear didn't hear him. The boy would be in trouble.
Eren Severa (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

His ears twitching upon hearing a voice. A young boy. He perked up, sniffing the air which was pointless due to the large pile of salmon sitting next to him. The bear started looking for the source of the voice, growling as if trying to greet the newcomer. He wasn't a killer, but rather loving and jolly like Yogi Bear or other cartoon bears. He continued traveling around the vicinity of the area, sniffing around eventually coming across a young boy. Being the curious idiot he was, the bear approached the child, curiously sniffing at him.
Merak - The Slothful Conjurer (played by Asroc)

"What.. wh..?"

He was a bit nervous, but the animal seemed harmless? Merak would hold his hand out to thebear. He then lightly patted him on the muzzle, smiling.
Eren Severa (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Being the cuddly Metallica loving bear he was, he nuzzled the hand that patted him and playfully pat the boy's head in return, offering a goofy bear grin.
Merak - The Slothful Conjurer (played by Asroc)


He couldn't help but to give a smile, even if it was a lazy one. He came closer to the bear, petting it on the head. This creature seemed rather friendly as well.

"You're a nice fella.. heh.. I like you.."

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