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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The prince and the wondering dragon.

Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

"Not really. I mean your name rings a bell but nothing I could understand as the ones who spoke of you spoke another language."
Twig Treeroot (played anonymously)

Twig smiled at the boy, happy to converse in a more familiar speak.
"Diola lle, lle've cael- tyare y' coira, ri' ie' lle Mellon Ignis. Amin'm en' lle narn ikotane amin a'. Ignis sai-nan' amin estela tanya lle amin. Tengwa ie' once ri' lle Lotesse demada ta. Rista i' pie e'a ure"

(Thank you, you've seemed to have caused quite a stir, or at least you friend Ignis has. I'm curious of your story so I decided to tag along. Ignis hasn't been much help but I hope that you might answer my questions.)

Twig was still stirred from the odd transformation of character, but he had seen enough oddities as one of the fae to not get caught up.
Igneous Starborn (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

"Oh?, barok el to la feh doo na."
(That's just my new dad, he's always mean to strangers.)
Raymond Archer (played by JBGeitz)

(OK this time I gtg cya tomorrow guys) "Cap'n we gotta move the authorities are comin" Archer sighed "I must be on my way Amber. Perhaps go with that fairy guy he seemed concerned for you you will be safe with them anyways I must run." he took off towards the dock's as gun fire is heard in the distance.
Twig Treeroot (played anonymously)

((Goodnight, sleep well))

Twig scoffed at the mention of Ignis' social ability.

"Lle're tellien amin. Eithel lle atar mate naur ar' quene en' sgiathatch esse Drak. Ta's amin, ar' amin tellalun."
(You're telling me.Well your father ate fire and spoke of some dragon named Drak. It's peaked my curiosity, and theirs I assume.)
He motioned towards the pair that were following them.
"I' n'at humo vithel tyare iire ron elee lle aith. Mani naa ta lle're yele n'ala amin demada?"
(The humans also acted strange when they saw your mark. What is your name by the way?)
Igneous Starborn (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

"Grish ma igneous o ma'like fahm."
(My name is igneous and I'm a prince.)
He simply stated with a shrug.
Twig Treeroot (played anonymously)

"Ta naa y' seasa oment- lle taren igneous. Manke naa lle headien sii'?"
(It is a pleasure to meet you Prince Igneous. Where are you heading now?)
Igneous Starborn (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

(To meet up with my father)
"Gree ofala dom cre' "
Twig Treeroot (played anonymously)

((I'm gonna have to go to bed myself, ill see you all in the morning.))

"Amin lle ignis. Amin yassen lle? eller naa naht ten' amin sinome ar' an' lamya icè manka ta maes doien soethien sittien no' y' cic ar' drinkien tuulo' y' thimble

(I assume you don't mean Ignis. Might I travel with you? There is naught for me here and an adventure sounds nice if it means doing something besides sitting on a clock and drinking from a thimble.)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She nodded and watched Archer leave then looked back at the fairy and young boy.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

One tall samurai enter the tavern that wears a a heavy leather arm guard, wears a blue green gi. He enters and sit and orders a hot water. The waitress gave him a pot of hot water, he poured it on his cup and add tea leaves. There he enjoy his drink while other people look at him strangely, because of the big katana sword on his back. He didn't mind them that he keeps focusing on his tea.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She wondered if they had helped her earlier and decided to ask. "Hello?"
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

he stop drinking his tea and look at her. " Good day were having right?" In a gentle tone voice.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

"Yes. Um... Have you seen a boy about this tall and kind of looks like me?" She placed her hand at the boys height next to her.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Im afraid I havent...seen what your looking for. forgive me"
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"By the way...who is this boy your talking about?" he sip his tea
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She thought quickly an came up with some lie. "My brother."
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Oh is that it?...I wish you luck for finding him."
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

"Thank you." And once again she left the tavern, walking outside and trying to find them.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Kino survey the area and people while drinking his tea.

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