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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Fifth World(OPEN)

It was time for the next world to come. Only a few humans and other creatures surived the blast from the sun that burned almost everyone, along with the oceans floods and everything else. The few surivers had banded together so that they could all start up the world again. A young looking teenager by the name Kuro Sakuranbo was one of the few surivers, along with others that were in the group. There were about ten surives found so far, but everyone kept looking to see if there was any more left. The small group of surivers were called the Fifth World.

Over time there have been many different types of living that all ended at some point. There have been four so far, now five was coming around. Everyone was on the search for food, clothes, and any thing else needed. Now it was time to find the other surives.

Kuro, with two other boys was looking around to find some other people who surived the blast. She had no luck so far and was getting annoied by it. Everyone in the small group already knew what Kuro was and accpeted it just fine. "Damn it! We're never going to find anyone!" She yelled, lound enough for anyone nearby to hear.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

Bruised and battered, Perseus had gone offline before the blast. His lifelessness had technically saved him from the flooding and everything else. He rose from a pile of rubble after a while, spitting out water and brushing himself off. "..." Quiet and emotionless as usual, he stepped forward, and before long, heard a voice in the distance. "Hm.. My best chance of survival is to be in a group... 78% Chance of successful joining without conflict so far. " he muttered a bit to himself before walking in the direction at a slight angle, this way he'd reach the group if they were traveling as well. Before long he spotted them in the distance, and tried to slide down a hill to get to them, but noted that his left arm was malfunctioning. Blood leaking down and electrical sparks popping from time to time. "Skeletal damage.. That's nice." He let out a slight annoyed sigh before continuing on, hoping they'd have something to fix it. If not, he'd have to just let it heal on its own. Which sucked majorly.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Kuro, look over there!" One of the boys with Kuro said, pointing out the male suriver. "Good job, come on." The three of them hurried to the male's side, the bos already knocked breathless but Kuro didn't even pant. "Are you hurt in any way?" She always asked every new person they found that. They had found a few medical supplies, along with what Kuro had when they found her. She could tell the male was burised but she was asking about any major injuries, such as a broken arm or leg or whatever.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

With a nod, he showed her his arm. "I'll need a screwdriver, fire, and some wire cutters. I'll heat the driver to cauterize my blood vessels before I fix the mechanical stuff." He seemed normal enough, but Percy wasn't, of course. he was slowly building his "people skills", and I do mean slowly. "My name is Percy."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro sighed when she saw Percy's arm. "Well at least this time it was a broken leg in three places." She shook her head, getting side track. "Alright, I believe we do have some of those things but not much. We have very few items of use as of the moment. Follow us, or should I say me since these two are already ready to fall out dead. I'm Kuro." The one of the boys rolled his eyes while the other just groaned at what Kuro said about them. She was always trying not to get into fights with someone in the group but everyone did respect her for how much she helped the group. She lead them all to a small area that was cleared out from all the destoried bulidings and what not. The other two boys left Kuro and Percy alone, knowing that Kuro could help him out better than they could. She went to ask for the items that Percy listed that he would need, which he got lucky because the Fifth World had those items, but it was much. "Alright, here you go. If you need anything else just come to me or Alex." She pointed to the girl with blonde hair and one green eye, as for the other it was covered with an eye patch. "We both know where everything is at and are both the healthist here by so far."
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

With a nod, he started a fire and put the screwdriver's metal part into it, attempting to work at restraightening the wires in his arm even with the blurred vision of the leaking blood. He seemed to not have much of a reaction as he did this, other than the occasional twitch of a finger or hand as the wires popped and sparked in the fluid. Once it was hot enough, he used the screwdriver to burn all of those veins and arteries shut, before using a puddle of water nearby to clean out the wound and continue working on the wires. Once everything was in order, he cauterized it shut as best as possible and moved his fingers some. "Much better. Thank you Kuro. We'll need food.. I can get us some.. Keep the fire going and i'll go hunting." He tore a broken pipe out of some rubble. The end was sharp, like a spear. After using his hand to flatten out the end more, he put it onto his shoulder and looked over the vast landscape of near-nothingness. "Movement... half mile... Small body.. Strong muscular contraction... Target seems to be of lapine origin. Hare, forest. No obvious ailments other than a damaged ear. " He could see that far, yes, but that's because a lot of him was bionic, thankfully. With no other words he dashed forward, and returned about an hour later with a rabbit in tow. It was living, but the other ear was bleeding. It seemed that he'd gotten it in the ear to capture it but ensure freshness. After quickly skinning it and constructing a makeshift spit roast, he set it over the already burning fire. "Not much to work with but we got lucky. "
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

With Percy was working on his arm, Kuro was helping with the others wounded. One of them grabbed her arm, wanting to ask her something. "Kuro, how is it that we found you with only a few scraths?" The wounded girl asked, before coughing up some blood. Kuro ran her hand through her bangs, knowing that almost everyone wondered that. "I told you guys before, I'm a fast healer." She left the room to the others and went to go check on how Percy was doing on his arm. "No problem." She said as she took the items that was left after Percy fixed his arm. She was one of the only few people in the camp that wasn't near death when found. She was found with nothing but a few scraths and burises. It was surprising how she could surive all that had happened with not a single broken bone. She kept the fire going until she heard Percy comng back and let him take care of it. There was now eleven people in the group, which meant having to find more food for everyone. When it came to eating, Kuro didn't eat much seeing that she could surive on as little as a apple for three days. Everyone else had found small animals as well, some died fish, rabbits, a few birds, enough for the night. Kuro skipped dinner and kept tending to the pitents as everyone else ate.

Alex was with the others as well, glad to being able to eat again. She was found about two days ago, before Kuro was even known about. Her left was burned so badly that it was unusable. "Hey, Alex, why isn't Kuro eating tonight?" One of the younger boys asked Alex.
"You know Kuro, she doesn't eat much. Even though she is half animal." Alex sighed, thinking that if Kuro kept this up she would end up straving herself.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

Percy didn't eat either. He just had a little bit of water to drink that night and stood guard against.. well, anything. He was asked by another one of the survivors why, and all he said was "5% chance of bandit attack. With no law enforcement there is no law. Should we be attacked, survival of people and security of supplies is essential. " Even 5% to him was important. That's what made him quite reliable. Not his brute strength or durable body, but his mind.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Once everyone finished eating, they all went to sleep. Well, not all of them. Kuro was still awake, taking care of the three pitents that had caught some kind of diease, that was luckily no one else had. She wasn't the leader of the camp but just one of the few that knew how to keep everyone alive and how to use a knife. Most of the people in the group so far grew up not knowing true pain or how to fight so Kuro was teaching the younger ones how too.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

Percy didn't sleep much either. Afterall, he'd been shut down for a while. Noticing Kuro still awake, he approached her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Shouldn't you get some sleep? You're too young to be restless." He told her, then sat down on the ground, looking up at the sky, seeming a little out of it. He did love stars... One of his hidden hobbies was starmapping.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro was surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder, thinking that everyone else was a sleep then shook her head to Percy's question. "I'm fine. I've gone longer without sleep and someone needs to tend to the paitents." She noticed that he was looking up at the sky. She looked up at it and smiled. She remembered a friend of her's that loved to fly through the sky and feel close to the stars. That friend was her pet dragon Suta, who died in the firey blasts of the sun. "Beatiful, aren't they?"
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

"Hm? Oh, yes. I love the stars. Stars remind me of a past job... I enjoyed it very much... If you were wondering, i'm a cyborg, as most humans call people like me. My skeletal system is robotic and some of my muscles are enhanced by robotics as well. My digestive, sight, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems are as well. For example, I cannot feel pain like other people and I can go without food for at least five months.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro nodded. "I'm science experiment, half animal half human. I have unbelievable strenght and knee senses, and heal faster than most. Before they found me, I had broken my left arm and right forearm, but it healed before they found me three days later, but they don't know."
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

He nodded slowly. "I'm super strength, endurance, healing and strategy. Master always use to say... 'Life is a chess game.. Capture your pieces and play to win.'... But, enough of that. Animal and human genes in one organism... Interesting."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro shrugged, not really caring about how she was have animal. "My master's wife was unable to have another child after their son so he created me. The first year went by and he wanted to test my limits, so he did. Tried to see how the DNA's mix and work together in my body and how it would change my thinking and behavior. Over time, he wanted to see how I could do fighting to the death with different types of races and people. He dragged me and his family to different parts of the world to make me fight someone, he use to fool me by saying that it was just a strenght test and no one was really killed, but I wasn't stupid, I knew what it looked like to see life leave someone's eyes. After I died and came back somehow in my fight in Russia, I decided to escape in America, and so I did. I've been on my own for four years." Kuro's smile had faded the moment she began to talk about her master. She hated him with such power that it was surprising how she didn't go on a rampage from just the very though of him.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

Percy nodded slowly. "I had a master too once, but he was a lot nicer... He had the same view, wanted a son. He died because of gang violence...
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"As far as I can tell my master died from the world end and all." She laid on against the ground, but not moving out of a sitting positon just letting her back fall to hit the ground with a soft thud. "I'm happy about that."
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

Perseus nodded slowly. "It's a possibility... There is however a 20% chance he survived the sun and 3% he survived the flooding.. If he was normal. If he was like you, it's 50% for the sun, 30% for the flooding."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro shrugged. "Truly, I have no clue if he is still sane, let alone human." She sighed, still looking up at the stars. She put her hands behind her hand so that it wasn't on the ground.
Perseus MARK II (played by Doctor_Dredd)

"Sanity.. Hm.. I've never understood it. I cannot go insane as far as I'd know. I don't go under stress... Depression.. Nothing like that. Not yet anyway." He smiled. "I'm slowly becoming more human. "

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