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Forums » Introductions » What happens when you cross a fox...

Well she tells you hello for one!

Eri_oni has been my go to for online names for as long as I can remember, and that has been a while. I have been roleplaying sense I was a child, it has always been something that has brought me joy and been a part of my life. From what I can remember, I started off roleplaying in fandom sites for things like Bayblade, Bionical and Transformers. Then after meeting some really good friends of mine, I moved to things like Furcadia. From there I made my big move into the world of MMO's: World of Warcraft, Runescape and Guild Wars 1.

In high school, I jumped into the world of D&D and Magic! As a Marine we played table top games to pass the time. In Collage I would meet my now husband while playing World of Warcraft and joining in his Pathfinder game. I now find myself playing in World of Darkness': Mind's Eye Society and helping host their events as the Assistance Coordinator of my Cities Venues. I also helped founded my Cities "Table Top Community" group and help with events there.

In the past few years, I found myself doing most of my RP ether at the table or in MMOs. Even going as far as to become an officer in a few roleplaying guilds. But as life movies forward, I find myself being pulled back to my first love: Forum based roleplay. Why?

Well as I go forward in my job, life and other things, time spent in games I find are often spent running raids or PvP. Roleplay has slowly slipped away because of my lack of time in games. So I have retired to the web, looking for places to call home once more. Because, well, such places are always at my finger tips. Wither at work with my computer, traveling with my tablet and phone or just sitting around the house with my laptop as we watch TV and talk about what is the next one shot we will be running this weekend. In short: Forums, Private Messages, Email and even Discord I can roleplay anywhere, while my time on vidoegames are limited.

That being said, even if we don't end up writing together in a roleplay....Please Please Please stop by and say hello! I have met some of my best friends through sites like this one and I love to chat and meet new people! Maybe we might even find somethings in common like Table Top Games, Video Games, Anime or the like, I'm always looking for people to chat with and play video games.

I hope to see everyone around!

Hello and welcome to RPR! :)

Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers.
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!

Greetings, and welcome!
Video games, you say? ;v I'm all ears!

That's a whole lot to take in for one post. You're quite the gamer I see and that's pretty impressive.

Anyhow, welcome to RP Repository! You seem like a wonderful person to hang with :)
Eri_oni Topic Starter

Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

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