Angel looked at Usha and smiled "It's easy just do as i do" He demonstrated a big smile for Usha. he turned and sat back on the step "And Kuro, I'm afraid Usha's right, you'll be jumping from the frying pan and in to the fire" he rubbed the back of his head, The music was now playing 'Save you by Mathew Perryman Jones'. The arrow tattoo on his arm turned red and the outline of it had Flames coming from it "Here i'll light up the alley and warm it up" He smiled at them
Kuro shook her head. "It's alright. I can habdle myself. I've fought his fail esperiments before, I think I can handle the creator." She said, she never though that staying in one place for longer than a week could get herself killed with how strong her those creatures noses were.
"Well beautiful" He stood up and stood besides her "I've got no where to go, so i guess I'm going to accompany ya" He smiled. His Grey hair had a dim glow from the real flames on his tattoo "Looks like you could use company, but before ya gow you might want a place to sleep" he looked over at Usha "you look like you could use some rest too Lass " he liked the word lass and used it quite a bit.
Usha looked at Kuro." Please. Let us come with you. At least until your master stops coming after you." Concern flickered through her eyes but quickly vanished.
Kuro sighed, seeing that there was no way getting out of this. "Fine. But I have to say one thing, I do have company with me, but you could say he's a pet. I doubt either of you two saw him fly over the town as a small gray blur." She shrugged. Kuro wasn't use to people wanting to join her, let alone to keep her away from her master. She was more use to people getting mad at her because she could be a bit of a lound mouth and quick to cuss someone out, if need be.
Angel was exited, his light green lively eyes looked at them both The music was playing 'Express Yourself by Labrinth' "Cool lets Go! plus Usha, I'm going to give you lessons on feelings and expressions. You'll need 'em". He turned to the stars and said Lehet utunkat nem lehetnek akadályok, és csak a szabadság és új barátságokat it was Hungarian for 'May our path have no obstacles and only freedom and new friendships'
"I don't need to be taught how to feel. I think it makes life more complicated." Usha looked at Angel then closed her purple eyes.
Kuro didn't understand what Angel said in Hungarian. She only spoke English, Japanese, Irish, French, and German. She shook her head and said "We should go ahead and getting going before Suta comes lookng for us."
Angel smiled at Kuro "it's cool, so where to first? Are we getting a bite or are we going to call it a day?" his hands were once again stuffed in his pockets while his headphones played 'Good Life by One Republic'. Angel looked over at Usha "Okay lass, first of all, if I approach you with a smile them the kind thing to do is attempt to smile back. Smiling is when you feel good and you express it via expression. Look at me, right now I feel great so I smile" he rubbed the back of his head whilst walking backwards facing Usha. Furion city was quite and dark at night, but Angel's flaming tattoo was a good source of light
Usha looked at Angel." But I never feel great. I don't know how to feel." She glanced away." I haven't felt anything since my master killed my parents."
Angel walked along side her and gave her a soft friendly smile "orphan hunh? yeah that sucks. I know, my family and my clan died When i was just a boy, but i get through it with the music and by smiling everyday i wake up" Scratched the side of his head "ok let me put it this way, when you help someone do you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside?" His headphones were playing 'Drive By by Train'. His light Green eyes and smile made everything feel... Better
Usha looked at him." No." Her answer was short and simple. Usha knew she couldn't feel anything. She couldn't feel pain no matter how much she wanted to and she was fine with that. She understood a few human antics that included feelings but she didn't understand why people had to feel. Closing her purple eyes, she kept those thoughts to herself like she always did.
Kuro sighed and patted Usha's shoulder. "Angel, leave her alone. You can't teach someone something if they don't know the bacis." She began to walk away from the two. "If you want to join me, then follow me."
Angel wasn't going to give up "Well okay what about a mission from me?" He was smiling. He had a plan kind of. He turned around and ran after Kuro "Right behind you you Kuro" he raised his voice so she could hear.
Usha walked beside Kuro,keeping her emotionless eyes ahead."What kind of mission?" She asked Angel without looking at him.
Kuro sighed at the two and kept walking till they got to the end of the town. She walked into the woods and not even a second later did a small gray dragon land on her shoulder. He looked young, possibly eight or nine. "This is Suta."
"Well more like a task actually, The next person you see i want you to go up to them and smile like this" He demonstrated a normal warm smile "And ask them how they are and if they need any help" Angel looked over at the dragon and nodded his head "Hey Suta!" he looked back at Usha "let's go back to town, We'll return straight after when you've completed it"
"I'd rather not. I told you I have no reason to smile." Usha said as she looked at Suta. She had never seen a dragon before but it didn't seem to surprise her.
"Cmon! There's a reward in it for ya!" his right eye brow raised slightly "It'll be fun" His Light green eyes looking into her eyes
" I don't what fun is." She looked at Angel. Her purple seemed to becoming darker as annoyance flickered in her eyes.
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